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  1. Sorry, I meant choosing C. Thanks again
  2. Yea, I had looked around and found about the aromatic multiplet (not taught to me by my lecturer) and I had thought it was C (phenethyl alcohol) since the peaks matched, but the NMR I found of it had the singlet for -OH, so I eliminated it, since I didn't know that -OH peaks may not show up without a D2O shake. So I'm choosing B. Thanks for your help. You've taught me more than my lecturer has
  3. I changed it to A a few hours ago. Would that be correct? If you have the time, could you please have a look at this problem? I'm thinking its A, but that's only through elimination of the other 3. My reasoning: B - there should be a singlet associated with the -OH group C - there should be a singlet for the -OH D - there should be a singlet for -CH3 But for A (I'm not sure how to name it), I'm finding more H environments than given. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. That's what I thought as well. My friend was trying to convince me otherwise. Sorry about the link though, I'm new.
  5. Can someone please explain to me these questions: http://imgur.com/a/uzHNQ I thought a 3.7ppm indicated ether, however it is apparently an aldehyde proton?
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