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Everything posted by [Tycho?]

  1. Yes, a black hole can absorb another black hole, and gains in mass accordingly.
  2. Alright, if you dont know this stuff, it can seem confusing. Electricity can be a wave if its AC. AC means alternating current. Electricity is indeed a flow of electrons. But with AC, the direction they move in changes back and forth. Say at first they move from left to right, then it changes, going right to left. This can be expressed as a sinosodal wave, where one peak is electrons in one direction, the trough is electrons in opposite direction. It is expressed in the same units too. Say it changes direction, or alternates, 20 times a second. Its frequency would be 20hertz. Just like a wave of light is measured in hertz, or a wave of sound. Only AC current has a wave like this, direct current (DC) does not. (as far as I know, this may contain errors)
  3. Heh, yes indeed. And use the best conductor you can get your hands on, of course.
  4. Yes. A faraday cage will act as an attena and absorb EM radiation of a wavelength longer than the diameter of the holes. I dont know if a surface has to be continous for the skin effect... although it was mentioned earlier that people wear chain mail mesh for dealing with something zappy. So I would assume yes, but it would depend on the size of the holes I would think....
  5. An enclosed metal mesh is a faraday cage, yes. At least it can be.
  6. I've thought about this before, however I doubt it very much. The electromagnetic feild around ones brain must be extremely weak, and incredibly difficult to detect. Plus, finishing the sentances of a person you know is very easily explained by knowing that person well, and being able to predict what they think. Plus, this can be done over the phone for example, while to read the persons mind you would have to be right next to them.
  7. It violates several laws of physics which have been very well established. And just intuitively it doesn't seem like one would be able to work.
  8. Hmmm. A faraday cage traditionally refers to a metalic mesh that will absorb electromagnetic frequencies. I'm not sure if it would save you if you were to run a current through it. Heh, although incidently, there was a thread a while ago about how to avoid being tazerd. I suggested wearing a metalic mesh suit that was grounded so as to direct the current away from you... I dont not know if it would work.
  9. I doubt it very much.
  10. "But the more mass added, would make it harder to accelerate, and therfore take more energy to keep at the same speed (much less actually accelerate), so eventually after loosing quite a bit of energy, the object won't have enough energy in it's body available, so it decelerates." This is incorrect. According to Newtons first law, an object will remain at a constant velocity until an outside force acts on it. You do not need to apply any force to have an object maintain its current velocity. It would only decelerate if an outside force was being exerted on it. "What i mean by that, is if you use the energy that you collect from the high speeds (the energy that becomes mass) and use it to power the engine in your ship. all you need is a little boost to take of and then all the energy used as mass to slow you down is now used to power you the rest of the way. and on top of that, you don't really loose energy at all because you gain much more than you loose, and so you speed up." This does not make sense. If this were to work, it would be a perpetual motion machine. "all the time feild part would be is when everything - except a small aura of time - is slowed down into the negatives in time's speed, while you (safe within the time feild) stay in the posotives." At the singularity of a black hole, relativity and all other known theories do indeed break down, and lose their ability to predict things. However this time field stuff, and "negative in time's speed" has no basis in any theories that I have ever heard. There are some good links on this site, look those up, and get a better understanding of just the very basics of relativity. I've never heard of any sort of negative time field, but I havn't heard of a lot of things. Basically I think its wrong because you are mistaken about numerous other things.
  11. Hey, I found this great site, really good for finding things. http://www.google.com
  12. Well thats fine, but you still wouldn't be able to reach c.
  13. Ehhh, I'm not sure how accurate some of the above is, I know there are a few errors anyway. " Nothing can ever reach the speed of light (exept light an other EM waves/photons) because it will become so massive as it reaches C, that enough energy will not be available to keep the object going so it slows down." The object will not slow down, merely become harder to accelerate. The more energy you put in, the more mass is added. The more mass you have, the more energy is needed to accelerate the ship. To reach c would take an infinite amount of energy. "The only way I can think of to reach the speed of light is to somehow power a space-ship on the energy collected from the high level of acceleration." I'm not really sure what you mean by this, but you wouldn't be able to reach c by doing it. "To travel faster than light, you'd have to gain so much energy that you slow down time enough to where even light is slowed down (only possible with a large amount of gravity), while you are contained in a sort of Time-Feild so you stay at a stable speed." Time field? Light slowing down? Sounds like science fiction to me. I could be wrong, someone with more knowlede will have to comment on this.
  14. Thats true, of course. But I use the random page feature every day, and the articles are usually quite good. The information is almost always accurate, the problems arise when an article is too short, or not written particularly well. But almost all the articles link to offsite pages as well. So basically, over 95% of wikipedia that I have read has been written by people who know what they are talking about.
  15. Are you serious? I looked it up, I dont see it anywhere. I'm partial to Sirius A myself.
  16. Umm, no, thats not true. I am reading at this very moment stuff on electromagnetism, and it gets into very advanced stuff, such that I sometimes have to look elsewhere for a simpler explanation.
  17. Good idea, it was going to come someday. Of course deflecting the ol' planet killer would be quite a task.
  18. Unless I am very wrong, it is a measure of temperature. Temperature being a measure of the motion of the atoms in a system. 0 kelvin would not be zero energy, it would be zero kinetic energy. Which of course brings us to the original question. Which is a good one, I must say. But not one I am qualified to comment on.
  19. Depends on how many dimensions you want to view it in.
  20. Would you mind explaining this in a bit more detail? I am curious in that subject. Edit: well, I just decided to look it up on wikipedia, and the explanation was quite simple. So nevermind.
  21. A magnetic field is infinite in extent, so it reaches out forever.
  22. And "permanent" magnets are not permanent. It takes a long time, but they will lose their magnetism eventually.
  23. Undoubtedly, however I am guessing they would be difficult to detect.
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