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Everything posted by DMB

  1. MasterK: Have no idea what your proficiency in "doing calculations" might be... though apparently BentheMan pins his burgoning sense of "being one" on his ability to "do them." Regardless, calculations divorced from a heuristic (even artistic) appreciation for both the beauty and the short-comings of physical theory amount to sissors in the hands of a clumsy child... the child can do productive work with them, yet needs constant supervision. If the child should start carving on the furnuture with them, s(he) could use a spanking... or at least a "come to Jesus" meeting, as my agnostic dad would describe such confrontations I had with him as a narcissitic child. Anyhow, should you choose to continue exposing what seems a bright and open mind here, you might consider taking some of what people have to say with a few grains of salt. And though I may very well be mistaken in much that has been said, I still appreciate the logical open mindedness with which you question current "explanations" of dark matter. DMB
  2. With regards the question "Where is dark matter?" There appear two posts on zpenergy.com that might address this question from a somewhat helpful perspective. These posts may be regarded as speculatively "pseudo-scientific" by some here, though the writer doesn't appear interested in "overturning" any of the brilliant work already done in theoretical physics. Rather the postings ask questions that seem to recontextualize theoretical discussion, and then explore the logical extensions of some possible answers. And while "Dark Matter" doesn't receive mention by name, MasterK's willingness to ask this question has inspired some developing ideas here... Here are the links and titles of the posts: ZPEnergy.com - If Spacetime appears 'curved,' then what does it 'curve around' or enclose? http://www.zpenergy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2509 ZPEnergy.com - Zero-point Ethics and Metaphysics http://www.zpenergy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2508 -DMB
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