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Everything posted by lfmorgan
lfmogan replying to his own post ----and how about 3. the electron is a helical string wave of 1/h-squared G-size Higgs Partilcles and represents the smallest life form and resides in huge numbers inside the also alive atom Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergednah just wanted to let you know that there is atiny few way ahead of you
This 85 year young Physicist/Systems Engineer has a new theory of the universe that will revolutionize the subject of physics. To prove such things as (1) there is no such thing as a straight line in space, and (2) that the uhniverse has no end or beginning but truly infinite
duality IS physics says this retired Physicist, still internet researching/publishing at http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hall/2638/1MrMorganNewPhysics.doc When you can see the electron as a helical string wave of 1/h-squared Higgs particles then you have arrived at New Physics
This is where we have arrived as I see it after 50 years of heavy participation and contributuion- I ask you, how do we get back to sharing truth because it rings with the dna in every cell of our body-- strickly a matter of physics gut feel as it was for Einstein? Einstein would not have a chance today with his early papers. We have Commercial Headed People calling the shots on what science is and is not all over the internet. We must and can do better! Another apt title for this thread is "Hey! Truth is not for sale! "This thread would offer to be a forum for just that--an open forum on what truth is at the level of Visualizable Einstein Material Points that fill the continuous field of space-time.
Science is logic that not only predicts but satisfies all rational curiosity
The elecron is a helical string wave of 1/h-squared Higgs particles that is much longer than it is wide. Our extemely crude measure of physical reality makes it impact at high speed as a "click' in our best instrumentation so we eroneously call it a particle----the wave duality simply means that what is being scattered in slit experiments is likely due to break up the particluate wave into measurable segments of Higgs particles. A quantum in my theory is a photon wave which is a one turn helical wave of 1/h Higgs particles. It takes 1/h quantum-photon one-turns to make one electron wave. Quantum mass, at h grams, is the elecron wave. That means when we measure using the Planck relation E = nhf the n is a count of electrons of h grams each so that when n = 1/h we have one unit of mass traveling as radiation energy and the energy of radiation is always measured as frequency-- so that E = (1/h)hf = f. When you let 1/h electrons be one unit of traveling mass, then E = Mf = M(v-squared). Current best theory is a complete problematic mess and the Bohr atom is too! follows his just discpovered Universal Harmony (UH) to a simple algebra version of his field eq namely G = R/3(v-squared) where R is an infinitely variable material point whose 3-axis outer surface spin energy is 3(v-squared) and where (UH) autogranulates material points to that R/G is always numerically equal to its 3-axis linear (pulse distance) energy. G is the Higgs particle that very dynamically defines the spin/vibration surface of R. 1/G literally does numerically define the force acting at G on R! Mass is a spin surface quality not a volume quality. The internal mass of every R as a volume, no matter how small, can only be infinity. The surface mass of R for a simplest 3-D geometry must be 1/h-cubed, or 1/h times 1/h-squared Higgs. An electron has esentially an infinitely small length in orbit inside the BH and and expands without limit when orbiting at the cosmos+ level...
By felt, I simply meant physically at the level of every cell of the body at once---you clearly were thinking of force magnitude which does in fact increase as the feeling body gets closer the the center of gravity---right up to the moment when its binding energy electrons are stripped away and it no longer exists as a bulk matter object. Thank you for reading and commenting on my post about my new complete theory of the universe.Frank Morgan of Newhall, CA
Hey all you infintely wise kids out there, you are practicing monsense dressed up as hi tech Big Bomb physics! Giving all real science a very bad name---money making & fun on the internet is all that counts for you. This just turned 83 real world physicist & WWII Marine is disgusted with the whole lot of you!
GravityConstantSecrets The constant G fell out of consistent measure. No real magic involved, just pure physics pleasure. The gravity field is everywhere “felt” the same; A finite Black Hole Center gets Absolute Blame: Z-electron Oscillator as Source and Sink, Whose continuous in-out supply does not blink. A concentric array of shell-orbit spaces Are shell-binding-electron stopping off places Earth’s Outer Shell is atom-grainy as can be; The average size of the grain turns out to be G. How Newton and Einstein unknowingly discovered the Higgs particle Earth consists of circulating, ideal-fluid dark matter that is helical string wrapped by visible matter electrons. The electrons spherically organize the dark matter into concentric shells, forming liquids, solids and gases as required. Middle shells are more rigidly bound than inner and outer shells. The ith shell rotates at a distance Ri, around a central maximally spinning black hole (BH). Each shell is a spin/vibration surface defined by G-size Higgs particles, where G gets smaller as shell distance from the BH decreases. The smallest shell at the outer boundary of the BH must spin/vibrate at absolute maximum speed, vmax, while Earth’s solid outer surface has a rotation speed of vmin - which numerically equals the square root of Earth’s mass, ME = 5.9742x1027 grams. Outer shell mass is the square of 3-axis rotation energy, or 3(vmin)2 = ME, so vmin = Ö(ME/3) = Ö(2x1013) = Ö(20x1012) = 4.47x106centimeters (cm) per second . The BH spin speed for all gravity fields is here given the value vmax = Ö(1/3h) = 7.09x1012 cm per second. This Dynamic field structure requires multiple infinities of circular orbit electrons that we never get to see. A much smaller number atom-in-out-oriented Z-electrons provides anthropic scaling of energy states. The concentric array of electron hosting shells are bound to one another in 3 dimensions. In-out oriented electrons circulate from the BH center to the outer surface shell-- in precise synchrony with the two orthogonal, within-shell circular electrons. The concentric shell to shell rhythm of electron orbit speed and perimeter length follow the rule of an underlying universal harmony (UH)-- expressed by G = eR/3v2; which corresponds to Einstein’s space curvature at G on R. This simple version of his field equation, allows integration of the work of Kepler, Newton and Einstein. The universe is closed, infinite and stable. UH-driven determinism rules. GM(m = 1)/R for 3-axis potential energy of a unit mass, and GM(m =1)/R2 for gravity force on that unit mass as attracted by shell variable M--describes Newton’s laws in a shell-discrete manner. Newton and Einstein both discovered the Higgs particle, G, whose atom size at the solid visible outer shell surface does indeed define mass as seen by the Sun’s reflected radiation. Electron event level mechanical vision is clear at and within each concentric shell, and R’s smallest value is the radius of the central BH. This electron orbit shell structure applies to all fields from atom to cosmos. Visualizing/understanding Mass as a count of G-size Higgs Particles Mass turns out to be a spherical outer surface Math-point = Higgs Mass Point count for all the planets of the Solar System. Planets are visible material points of radius R that are orbiting about the BH center of the Solar System. Kepler’s idea of Universal Harmony (UH) applies in a way he did not see because Planck’s constant and its central role in quantum theory had not yet been discovered. If Kepler’s radius of orbit for all the planets are slightly adjusted longer to reflect distance to the center of the Solar System and not the center of the Sun, then their Moment Of Energy, Rv2, has the same value for all, namely 1/h erg-centimeter! This remarkable symmetry of motion applies even to the Sun itself --as a Planet-- where R » 1011 cm and v » 107 cm/sec, to yield RSun(vSun)2 » (1011)(1015) » 1026 » 1/h. We thus see what the word “anthropic “ means-- in terms of an h-symmetry of all dark and visible matter in motion –as we measure/interact at the molecule level. The photon and minimum energy quantum are the same thing so that E = nhf = Mv2. Planck’s constant h is in ergs when n is the number of “quantum = photon” passing in parallel with each pulse, and h is in grams when n is the number of “electrons’ passing in pulse parallel, where UH ensures that f º v2 and F º 1/G as shell by shell gravity force---for all gravity fields from atom to cosmos. The electron is a helical string of 1/h2 Higgs particles! All radiation from heat to electricity to light to gamma rays has a distinct wave- pulse frequency range, and its linear energy per pulse is equal to the square of the along-wave-centerline speed of Higgs particle motion, v. That is, frequency is indeed always numerically equal to v2-- as a matter of underlying universal harmony at the dark matter fluid transmission level! As ideal fluid for the transport of energy, UH granulates the R/G of dark matter for least friction between adjacent R-size material points, where a ray of radiation is a spin touching line of R’s, whose outer spin surface is defined by Higgs particles. R’s surface mass count is always equal to (R/G)2 = (3v2)2. This means that G is a ball bearing for the surface of R that is sufficiently small to produce least possible R- touching -R friction and energy state change. Newton unknowingly discovered that falling visible matter must be seen as made of atoms on the order of 10-8 in size at the Earth’s visible solid outer surface. Each such G-size Higgs particle atom is interactively immersed in the circulating dark matter that fluid-applies gravity force. For the atom as gravity field, the visible matter in shell orbit is always the circular electron, with Z-electrons continually going back and forth from the BH to the atom’s visible outer surface where G » 10-29 cm, and R » 10-8 cm. One must assume that the visible outer boundary of the atom is where the dark matter is shell-circulating at the speed of v = c --so that one atom as a unit mass acts on another next door in a given direction per G (m =1)(m = 1)/R = G/R = 3c2 as potential energy of one with respect to the other. The immutable nuclear BH of the atom must be on the order of Rabh = 10-14 cm. - where gravity force has the value of 1/GBH » 1/10-40 » 1040 compared to 1/GES » 1/ 10-8 » 108 dyne--one hundred million trillion trillion times greater!
The concept of charge as currently best defined is a math-coherent myth. In terms of detailed deterministic local event mechanics, it is a relative measure of the excess or deficit of binding elecrons between the two objects said to exhibit atraction or repulsion. An object with a realtive excess of binding electrons, A, placed next to an object B with a relative deficit, will have more electons pulsing in and out of it to mark energy state-- and depending on relative electron pulsing energy states, there is a naturally tendency to equalize. The energy state gradient at the general location in space-time determines the degree of electron exchange required for adjacency equilibrium. The typical atom is pulsing a huge number of elecrons in and out to mark energy state. In molecular visible matterm, there is an equilibrium of real time exchange of elecrons between adjacent atoms where by electron clsosed loop orbit paths may go around a number of atoms in an S curve or figure 8 patterns as required for the stablity of a given molecule as a spinning/vibrating volume of space time. All electrons comng from and going back to atoms must be assumed to communicate with the nuclei of the atoms involved. It is therefore proper to see that electrons sharing at the atomiv nucleus level is routinely present in large numbers-- for all visible matter formed of molecules, It iis the molecule that provides for instrumented measure of local pulse event energy state-- in terms of measured frequency of pulsing. The so called atomic spectra are really molecular sprectra where each distinct molecule must be bound as an emergent whole by two or more atoms --that are constantly emitting and absorbing the binding energy electrons per the energy state measure at the molecule level ---which energy state is measured direcly by frquency of pulsing, f. That is E = nhf, where the value of n is never measurement parsed. At the molecular pulse event level n = 1/h, to explain why f = E. If we let the electron have a constant mass of h grams and the minumum energy quantum be h ergs, then h-symmetry allows problematic (gross averaging) prediction but leaves us mechanicall blind at the single pulse event level---at which level we are hopelessly visually confused between mass and energy! For a completion of Einstein's theory where the concepts of charge and antimatter are not needed, go to http://disney.go.com