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Everything posted by FastTrack

  1. TIME IS JUST A FIXED DIMENSION, JUST AS IS SPACE. Everything is constantly on the move with an equal magnitude of motion. The only thing that can be changed, is the direction at which one travels within the open four dimensional environment known as Space-Time. A simple logical analysis of motion leads one to this conclusion. It also leads to the creation of equations such as the Lorentz Fitzgerald Contraction Equation, the Time Dilation Equation, the Lorentz Transformation Equations, and the Velocity Addition Equation. It thus explains the foundation which creates relativistic circumstances. Nothing can occur without a reason or a cause. Thus Special Relativity has a cause, or a foundation, and this constant motion is it.
  2. There is no way to tell if one is truly at rest in space, meaning at rest relative to the entirety of the universe. But it is funny that you mentioned this constant motion. I thought of it many years ago as well, prior to finishing grade ten, and ended up with the popular equations which are still accepted up to this day. However, everyone that has read my web page description of it, said that the idea was a load of trash. There has been nothing but 100% rejection for many years now ? Apparently, these days if you come up with an idea that creates equations such a the Lorentz Fitzgerald Contraction Equation, the Time Dilation Equation, the Lorentz Transformation Equations, and the Velocity Addition Equation, then prepare to be crucified.
  3. Being experts is SR and absolute reference, otherwise this post would be in the speculation section, perhaps you and the boys can explain something. If a body may be measured differently from different frames, then what is it that is being measured differently ? There has to be a foundation somewhere that is being seen differently from different points of view !?
  4. Are you referring to a 4 dimensional point of view, thus a different angle seen when looking across all 4 dimensions ?
  5. There is a 50/50 chance of correctly predicting a coin flipping. However, this changes when the demand is to predict a significant number of correct predictions in a row. Therefore quantity is also a factor. The odds of me correctly predicting the coin flipping 27 times in a row, was 1 in 134,217,728 (227).
  6. A point in Time is like a point in Space. If you moved from one point in Space and at a later date returned to that point, it does not mean that other objects that were in that area before, will have to be there now. Thus if you moved from one point in Time and at a later date returned to that point, it does not mean that other objects that were in that area before, will have to be there now. You would simply be at the same point location in the dimension and depth of Time, and that is all.
  7. I successfully predicted the outcome of coin flipping 27 times in a row once. I simply stopped at #27, but I could have kept on going. 12 of the flips were done by myself. The remainder were done by one of the previous observers who said that I must have been cheating by having practiced coin flipping beforehand. The remainder of flips were done with me facing away from the newly appointed flipper.
  8. Exactly ! Discuss " IT " ! So, when you have had a look at " IT ", then do let me know, otherwise the entire " IT " has to be posted here before a discussion about " IT " can even begin.
  9. It's Absolute Relativity !
  10. As far as I have heard, the speed of light "c", when " measured " , has the same value in all inertial frames of reference. Thus this does not mean that light actually travels across any inertial frame, at a relative "c" velocity, but that it is only "measured" to be so !
  11. Thanks for some interesting responses, folks. I waited a bit before I too responded. History says that once I do respond, my responses tend to vanish over night, and so please read this response quickly before ....
  12. What puzzles me, is why is it that people in the past assumed that a heavy object would fall at a faster rate that a light object ???? I could have say five small metal balls, each weighing one pound, and one ball that weighs 5 pounds. If I drop them all at the same time, they will all hit the ground at the same time. If I squeezed all of the five balls into a black box, and placed the 5 pound ball into another black box, then we would have 2 black boxes that each weigh 5 pounds plus the weight of the box. If I then dropped both of these black boxes, once again, both will hit the ground at the same time. Makes sense ! If I melt these 5 balls down and make one 5 pound ball out of them, once again if I drop this 5 pound ball it will still hit the ground after that very same specific time period that it took previously when that ball was still in its previous form of being 5 separate balls. And so that question arises " Why is it that people in the past assumed that a heavy object would fall at a faster rate that a light object ???? "
  13. ABSOLUTE # 1 ) An open 4 dimensional Space-Time reality, in which we move around within, exists. ABSOLUTE # 2 ) All movement of objects, that occurs within these 4 dimensions, is fixated at a specific magnitude of motion. With this in mind, the outcome of the examination of such a structure, predicts changes that if converted into mathematical equations, become identical to equations known as.... 1) The Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction equation. 2) The Time Dilation equation. 3) The Lorentz Transformation equations. 4) The Velocity Addition equation. ... thus revealing the foundation of what is referred to as " Special Relativity ". By looking at all 4 dimensions of reality, it becomes crystal clear that the spatial contraction of a object is simply due to the rotation of the object within a 4 dimensional reality, which occurs as one changes ones direction of travel across the open dimensions of Space-Time. A description of this constant ABSOLUTE motion that is present within the ABSOLUTE Space-Time environment, can be seen here .. http://www.outersecrets.com/real/forum_againstum2.htm Surely, someone other than myself can understand it ! LOOK into my EYES ! You are feeling sleepy ! ABSOLUTE motion is REAL ! ... REPEAT AFTER ME ... ABSOLUTE motion is REAL !
  14. Long ago there was this statement..
  15. Yeh, what ever happened to Retarded Design, I mean that would explain a lot of things.
  16. Yes you do !
  17. Are there any adults on this forum ?
  18. Yep, that's right, ABSOLUTE ! You see, to construct a system that functions as a relative system, this system must be supported by an ABSOLUTE foundation. If this were not the case, then that means that you " BELIEVE " that effects can occur without the need of there being a cause. http://www.outersecrets.com/real/forum_againstum2.htm
  19. What if you simply examine reality as a case of ABSOLUTE motion within an ABSOLUTE 4 dimensional frame. In other words, Time is to be regarded as being a dimension of which we can cross, and it is just part of the complete 4 dimensional Space-Time environment in which all events take place. Funny enough, if you see Time in this way, the outcome of the examination of such a structure, predicts changes that if converted into mathematical equations, become identical to equations known as.... 1) The Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction equation. 2) The Time Dilation equation. 3) The Lorentz Transformation equations. 4) The Velocity Addition equation. One may direct this ABSOLUTE motion across the dimension of time, or across a dimension of space, or across both. There is a description of this constant ABSOLUTE motion here .. http://www.outersecrets.com/real/forum_againstum2.htm And so TIME exists just as Space exists, and we can move across it.
  20. With the guy landing in the future, one would wonder how you could have two people standing next to each other when one is in the future and one is in the past ! However, if the both shared something in common, then they would still in a way be connected together. Let's say that both of them are constantly in motion across Space-Time, and each of them is in motion with the very same magnitude of motion. One may have directed his motion mostly across the dimension of time, yet the other may have directed his motion mostly across space. But despite these different directions, both of them have traveled an equal distance across the open dimensions of Space-Time, since both of them move with an equal magnitude of motion. And so share this equal distance of travel. There is a description of this constant motion here .. http://www.outersecrets.com/real/forum_againstum2.htm It seems to simplify things.
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