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  1. K has there been any reaserch on gravity for a compleete 100% understanding of what it is and how to harness it...
  2. K thanks, so what is gravity is it a magnetic field, how is it different than the normal magnet we have on earth, why is there no gravity in space, and what holds the planets if there is no gravity... ps: sorry for the stupid questions, im just thinking in a rush, which causes in the lack of logic...
  3. Yes but still, when you compare the moon to our mass, the gravity should still be as hard, also when astronouts land, there is no gravity, or is there?
  4. Yes that I know but my question is, not the moon bieng pulled, but the moon pulling us, as it is much of a higher mass then we are, therefore it still should pull us with about the same amought of gravity as the earth... Maybe the atmosphere is blocking and concentrating the gravity within its borders somehow...
  5. If gravity is based on a higher mass = higher pull, then why does the earth pulls us so we dont lavitate, and the moon is a different experience... It has to be more than that... PS: I try to figure out how gravity works in order to progress with my theory about lavitation...
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