Ok lets start on the right foot here.
The speed of light has been broken claimed and proven by scientists. Evidence:
The research of those scientists.This evidence can be reproduced. Sources cite these facts very well.
The speed of light is no longer the end all be all as Einstein had thought in relative terms.
Speculation: Relativity needs to be reworked to form a new theory.
I read each of the posts that explain nothing and speculate in varied different directions.
I find it to be amazing and I am sure that if Einstein were here he would have a good deal to say about the modern world he helped to invent.
The world is not flat. Not only is it round but its full of people!
"Scientists have finally exceeded the speed of light, causing a light pulse to travel hundreds of times faster than normal. It raced so fast the pulse exited a specially-prepared chamber before it even finished entering it. The experiment is the first-ever evidence of faster-than-light motion."
Friday, August 17, 2007
Once again, Tesla was right: He challenged Einstein's theory of relativity and said that particles COULD exceed the speed of light
Scientists break speed of light in lab test
IT was supposed to be the one speed limit you could not break.
But scientists claim to have demonstrated there is the possibility of travel faster than the speed of light.
The feat contradicts one of the key tenets of Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity - that nothing, under any circumstances, can move faster than 300,000km a second, or the speed of light.
Travelling faster than light also, in theory, turns back time.
According to conventional physics, a person moving beyond light speed would arrive at his destination before leaving.
But two German physicists claim to have forced light to overcome its own speed limit using the phenomenon of quantum tunnelling.
Their experiments focused on the travel of microwave photons - energetic packets of light - through two prisms.
When the prisms were moved apart, most photons reflected off the first prism they encountered and were picked up by a detector.
But a few appeared to "tunnel" through a gap separating them as if the prisms were still held together.
Although these photons had travelled a longer distance, they arrived at their detector at the same time as the reflected photons.
This suggests the transit between the two prisms was faster than the speed of light.
Dr Gunter Nimtz, of the University of Koblenz, told the magazine New Scientist: "For the time being, this is the only violation of special relativity that I know of
This is the other article