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Everything posted by sandinista

  1. the science shows on directv speak of a asteriod/meteor that will hit earth is it real ? i am not speaking of any sort of mayan prophesy or anything like that. i do remember an identified mass in space that was said to be feared to collide with earth. what it is called i dont know. i believe it was supposed to collide with earth around 2010 or so. give or take a decade. i realize this could happen at any time however what does it mean to have seen one (science) that would threaten the human species as well as the earth as we know it ? i know its very bad to bring this up without having a name for the mass in space however ever since i have seen the documentary it has been a source of preoccupation for me as a living human living out life. i think that at a point in time i had memorized the name, did a google search, and found that people were activelty talking about it. tonights more general search failed. would love to hear some educated feedback on this. its a source of existential angst for me. along with hurricanes, the rise of temperatures in houston and across the world. thank you
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