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  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to relate the position of an element on the periodic table to the electrical resistance in a wire composed of that element. I have found lots of information on factors affecting resistance, but it's all very basic stuff about length, cross sectional area etc. I would like to know what microscopic properties of wires affect its resistance (e.g. number of valence electrons, atomic mass) and how these properties affect the resistance. Would it be possible to conduct an experiment using wires of different materials to see the impact of these different properties? Thanks
  2. Innit

    Good books...

    Sorry about the confusion, but when I said "on my own", I didn't mean to say that I would try to learn everything without anyone else's help. I meant to say that I wanted a book that would help me work individually, but I would ask occasional questions when I felt it necessary. I would like to learn it "properly", not as "pop science" (although I might have a go at the layman books just for more casual reading), but also won't have loads of time to study these books, seeing as I've got school work to tackle. By the way, I'm a high school student, for those who asked. Thanks
  3. Innit

    Good books...

    Good question indeed. I'm currently a student at school (completing my last years), and I'm around that level, however, I am trying to advance ahead of that level because it's a little too simple for my liking at the moment., and I would therefore like to learn in more detail, on my own...
  4. Innit

    Good books...

    I was wondering if anyone could recommend a/some good books(s) to get me started on quantum physics, relativity and string theory. Preferable a book that I can just read rather than a study text book. I also wanted to ask whether any of you have read the book "Imagining the Tenth Dimension", and whether or not it was good, because I plan on reading it some time soon... Thanks, Innit Sorry 'bout the double post, but here's a book that I found, which looks quite interesting: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Elegant-Universe-Superstrings-Dimensions-Ultimate/dp/009928992X/ Any ideas?
  5. Ooh! I have a Mac, but I'm not using it at the moment. Macs depend on what you would like to use it for. They can be used for some good multimedia, and can have any OS installed on it, however, they are not the most suitable for gaming...
  6. Last time I got to level 24, this time I played it I only got to 15
  7. Lol, I hate it when people make these misconceptions about me by the way I write on the internet, even though most of the time I do use propper grammar and punctuation... I would help out, but I have my own blog and forums to take care of
  8. Innit


    Here's how you can do it: Go to Javimoya.com Get the youtube link. Enter the link into the correct field, and select youtube as the video hoster. Click on the download button and wait for the download to begin. You will need an FLV player to play the videos. Alternatively you can download a plugin for Firefox that can download the video when you are viewing it. Just search firefox video downloader on Google and you should find the plugin... Hope that helps
  9. ^ Is see. Yes, I hear that they no longer allow subliminal advertising, but they say that it was partially due to the fact that it was against our freedom, due to the fact that we could have been "wanting" to buy these drinks for reasons that we didn't know. I don't know if I've heard wrong, but this is what I heard of it...
  10. In my recent citizenship class, we were discussing the nature and use of subliminal advertising. The teacher gave us a common example of subliminal advertising in movie screens, in which a flash of an image appears for a tiny proportion of a second in a number of intervals. Here's a little extract from Wikipedia: It is clear that this strategy works, but it is in our subconscious mind that we notice these messages hidden within the movies, and our eyes pick it up, without us realizing it. Is there any sort of scientific reasoning for how this works? How our brain works in these situations?
  11. Thanks for that, I'll be reading this...
  12. You're quite right. But then that means that existence cannot have a beginning. There has been an infinite amount of "time" before us. I suppose that human beings are so adapted to the idea of "starts" and "ends", that they don't come across the idea of infinity. Perhaps this could even suggest the idea of afterlife.
  13. I was sitting down some time back, and was pondering over the idea of reality, and how it incorporates itself with science. The primary question of reality is, why is there the universe? Of course there was the big bang theory, but why are there all these "things" around us - planets, galaxies, our universe. Why are they here. Go back before the big bang theory. Before all events prior to that, too. What was of our universe then? Obviously science may be able to explain this, but why is there science in the first place? Why is there anything in the first place? Why do things exist, rather than there being no reality, and no universe - nothing at all? It's just a big string of "Why's" but it just kind of popped into my mind and I thought I'd share it with you. It might seem a bit absurd to some, but perhaps there can be a discussion about it... Don't know if this is in the right forum... Maybe it could go in the General Discussion section, but I wasn't sure where to put it...
  14. ^ I see. And what kind of technology is used to view these tiny electrons, or other subatomic particles? What instruments are used?
  15. You're right. But do you suppose that organisms would be able to adapt to their environment as they evolved? Perhaps if there was naturally high methane levels, then it would be a problem at first, but through time and evolution, they could possibly adapt?
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