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Everything posted by Innit

  1. I'm a total newbie at this topic, as I'm still doing my GCSEs (10th grade), but hasn't it been said that previously, 2 galaxies have collided, and together have joined to form 1 galaxy. From my knowledge, there are supermassive black holes (which are millions to billions times the mass of the sun) in the centre of galaxies, as there is one in the Milky Way. Somehow, I suppose, these black holes have joined to make one (NoteL This may be completely wrong, and I may have been misguided, because I also thought, as the above post states, that those two black holes were the closest apart!). One may have "consumed" the other, I am not sure. But if they are exactly the same size, maybe they would do orbit one another, like planets do. But I suppose that it would not be a normal circular motion. One would not be orbiting the other, they would be orbiting each other simultaneously. I have no idea what I'm talking about right now, but I think I'll stop there, before I confuse myself and others anymore!
  2. That was brilliant! Thanks for that!
  3. Triangles are the trick, I believe. They tend to keep everything more stable. That's why they're used in structures like bridges. You should try and form triangles, or as the others have stated "V's" or "W's" to keep the structure stable... I can't really say much because I'm only 14, but from my knowledge, that is how it works...
  4. Lol, I think I was confusing myself with the persistence of vision. Thanks for pointing that out, and sorry for explaining wrongly...
  5. That was an excellent explanation! Thankyou very much for that. There are only 2 small things. First thing is that I don't quite understand is why exactly we cannot describe our position with 4 numbers. I didn't quite understand the concept of the "6 little circles", and what exactly they are. The second thing is that, if I am not mistaken, I believe that we actually live in the 5th dimension, not the 4th. I think it was proved by Kaluza in 1919 and later approved of by Einstein. You'll obviously know better than I, but it was just what I'd heard... Thanks
  6. ^ I see. Well, my knowledge isn't deep enough to have understood it so fully, but I guess I'll be awaiting BenTheMan's respones
  7. I was always really confused about the concept of the 10 (and now some believe 11) dimensions. I came across this video that explains it in a simplified form (it's a video for the first chapter of a book): http://youtube.com/watch?v=qU1fixMAObI Pretty interesting. I got lost a few times, but I get it now!
  8. It is said that your eyes view 24 "frames" each second. The reason that you're getting the impression that the wheels are going backwards is because every time your eye "captures a frame", one of the spokes of the wheel have been placed slightly behind the position of the spoke that was previously "further ahead" (the spoke you saw before is now probably half way down the wheel). This gives you the impression that the spoke has moved backwards. It's really hard to explain! Whoops, just as I typed this I realized a link has been posted with the proper explanation. Oh well...
  9. 1. You remember what you've learned much better. 2. You can revise your notes - in your notes you would have probably taken down the key points, and can use that if you need to go through it quickly. 3. Sitting there and listening to a lecture without any notes is not going to help. It's like watching a TV episode, and trying to remember everything that happened 3 months later! There are many more reasons, but those are the ones I can think of at the moment...
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