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Everything posted by Wookiee
Just Like MIG welding but on a BIGGER SCALE. The gas protects the metal from "burning" or reacting with the air because in stead of air the inert gas is there. (haha. sort of rythmed there, didn't even try it) -Randy
well it all depends on what kind of hydrogen car you are talking about. Its like saying "learn how engines work" but there are many engines out there(ei. 4-cycle, 2-cycle, rotary, stirling, steam, etc). Which do they mean? No one knows. Please be more specific -Randy
M(16) I'm Pro-life... I figure it this way... Even if you don't believe a fetus is life at any stage untill born: I see it as if its GOING to create life, then shouldn't it be considered good enough as life? The only thing I might consider is if its going to take the life of the mother. I have heard that most women regret their decision to have an abortion. I can't find the poll(haven't looked very long). But if I find it I'll post it. Just my views anyhow... -Randy
Its not the Safest material to use. It can be used safely but if your unexperienced you can easily hurt yourself. By the sounds of it your new to the world of Chemistry. My advise is NOT to try and get any Potassium. Sure it might be fun sounding but in reality it can lead to some bad things. I think you shoud find something a little safer for now. Then maybe later move onto such stuff. I'm not an experienced chemistest by any means, so I'm not looking to by Potassium. Sure it would be cool but I value my health too much. -Randy
Check the window size. Thats probably what has you stumped. Check your manual to see how to change it. Thats just my guess... -Randy
What about "distilled water" you get at Walmart? Does that also have contaminants in it(ei. Chlorine, etc)? Thanks, -Randy
weird... Are you sure its still Hydrogen after running it as a "fuel cell"? It could possibly be just replacing the H2 with say CO2 or CO. I wouldn't know why or how. Maybe its creating CO from CO2 and using 2H2 and O2(from CO2) to create 2H2O... CO2 + H2---> CO + H20 It could possibly make sense.. Aslong as the CO is being produced at the Cathode. because for the CO to replace H2 is a 1:1 ratio. Hydrogen is VERY close if not a ideal gas. CO I'd assume would not be near as Ideal. So it would make sense that CO would take up a LITTLE less room for same number of moles. And at only 14.8ma I don't know if you could even seen the bubbles or not. I'd suggest checking the purity of the "H2" after a "fuel cell" run. again, I don't know; just because I'm in Chem 2 now in High school. We haven't gone over electrolysis or electrochemistry just yet. -Randy
Hmm... I really have no authority to say or know whats happening but... It would seem as though the oxygen is playing games. 1. I could see it not being pure oxygen(maybe CO2 is being produced along with O2 and therefor producing less O2 for the same H2) 2. Its disolving in the water a lot? 3. Maybe the oxygen is reacting with the carbon during the "fuel cell" operation? Personally I think it has something to do with the carbon electrodes and oxygen. I don't really think the cause is the hydrogen. But I could be wrong. Just my thoughts... -Randy
Hello All, The's Randy. I like science and mathmatics. Chemisty is the best. Though I like Airplanes more :-D. I'm also 16. Enough said... -Randy
so I do think it is Copper. It is really really fine. It acts very much like mud, but it just doesn't disolve in the water. It'll clump together. etc etc. So pretty much it is pretty cool just because of how fine it must be. If it were put in a ball mill just to break up the clumps it would be ULTRA FINE. I wouldn't have a clue though as to its mesh size. Not quite sure what I'm doing to do with it though. I'll probably end up trying to reuse it as an Anode to electroplate to the cathode on what ever I want. -Randy
16/M 1. A 2. B 3. E 4. C 5. B and D 6. D 7. B 8. E
Thanks for the last response... Well still keep it fairly pure. Hm... I'll have to think apon that one.I know its not copper oxide because it does not react or disolve in sulfuric acid. It does conduct electricity. so far..drying(the edges atleast, the main "lump hasn't dried) it turns a blue color. Is that the color of Copper Hyroxide? If it was copper hydroxide shouldn't it react with sulfuric acid to create H20 and CuSO4? So I'm pretty sure its not Copper hydroxide or Copper Oxide. It must be just plain copper. But how can I completely determine that? I'm thinking about trying to put this stuff in a cup. Then trying to use it to plate stuff using it as the anode. I dont really have any good lab equipment so I can't really burn it and Also I'm using a battery charger. So I'm using about 14.5v. What should the current density be for an electroplating experiment for BEST results, not necessarily the fastest. Thank you, -Randy
I have a question about electroplating copper. I am making some Copper Sulfate now by means of copper electrodes and sulfuric acid. My question is... What is the "brown stuff" that forms on the cathode. Now I understand that the cathode will be plated with copper but what is the copper that looks like a copper dust. Is it just that, copper dust? Or is it an oxidizied form of copper? Copper hydroxide or something odd like that? Does it do harm to the electroplating process? Also what can be done with this.. as it looks really cool. Could it possibly be used in a thermite reaction? Any help would be great. -Randy
I totally agree with annjay here. I hardly ever take notes in class... However I pay attention and if its getting confusing then I may take notes. For me it seems that paying attention is worth more than scrablming to take notes. I feel as though there is a trade off. You can take notes and not pay as much attention but have everything on paper or you could pay complete attention and take no notes but risk forgeting. My views anyhow... -Randy
I've got a question about "activated carbon." I got some from Walmart in the aquarium section. My question is... Can I use it as the charcoal in black powder(meal)? Is there anything I have to do to make it work(or better)? I tried burning it with a MAPP torch but it would just glow red and not ignite. Is that they way its suppose to be? Thanks, -Randy
Well I was going to make copper thermite. Which I know I need Cu2O or CuO so the inert gas would be unnessary because I was just going to heat it up till it was CuO since I believe thats easier to make(just heat it till it turns black). However, the aluminum I don't know if it would need sheilding gas or not... Steel "sparks" as it is being ground down so I know oxidation is occuring, but with Aluminum, these sparks do not occur. Does this mean it is not being oxidized ? So are you saying that filings and grindings are acceptable? Thanks, -Randy
Ok... I knew that powdered metals where often used but I had no idea how it could be made at home. I figured it would be possible for such a method as turning metal to vapour or gas and "freezing" it in air, however, impossible at home . And I didn't know if you could use filings or not. But thank you for your responds. -Randy
Ok thanks insane_alien... never did think of that.. opps.haha It wasn't going to be big at all. So solid chunks will not work... that, I do know. I JUST found a file at home. Never knew we even had one. So I might try that. -Randy
Anyone? Anyone have any ideas as to how to make the powder or fillings "easily" at home from steel or copper? Thanks, -Randy
I too would like to know how fine the aluminum must be for it to work well. I'm thinking I might try some CuO +Al. We've got some random copper laying around... And I think some Al too. I'll have to check, But whats the best way of grinding the Al to an acceptable size? Would a ball mill(steel balls) work? or would that just take FOREVER? Thank you, -Randy
I am also assuming you want to keep the majority of the solution, if not all of it? Well either way. I wouldn't know how to do it. Sorry, others here with more experience might be able to. -Randy
Its really not that hard aslong as you know what molarity and volume of each acid before you mixed them. You deffinetly need more information for this to be answered. -Randy