I, like a lot of other men (I suppose), have been thinking a lot of times of the reason why we are atracted to women (overmost to the younger). I have reached an hypotesis but I do not know if I am the first or if I have too much imagination. It was by chance that I came across vitamin B12 (or the B complex). I was allways very stressed by abrupt noises and I reached a moment when I could not calm myself in these cities crowded by so many explosion motors.
Then I got to B12 and after taking it I noticed myself more calm, but after it the next progression was slow. I suppose my brain had done a lot of associations between some stimulus and the stressing noises. Then I began to think and I reached to the conclusion that testosterone made us men more insensible to physical harm than women. But at the same time that testosterone more or less indirectly affected our blood B12 level making us more sensible to noises.
This way each sex would posses a natural armour against one of the two possible external harms: physical and noise. This would make the union between women an men a good alliance against the "external agents". Then, we would be attracted to women because they can defend us from the noise harm and the contrary for women.
Think about it: Pherormones have been proven not to work in humans. Our external aspect is not so different as other animal species. Our face is very similar in spite of our efforts to find only the differences, etc. We have not so many instincts as other animals.
Apart from this, female voice is designed so it generates more variability in volume and is more strident because it has a higher pitch. On the other hand, the men's one has the Adam's apple and other features that make it deeper and vibrating but less strident and with less variability in volume (it's more difficult to understand). The men's weapon is their brute force while the women's one is the voice.
And from this simple basis develop all the phsycological strengths of each sex, and differences between them. Younger women have, I suppose, a higher B12 blood level because of their better absortion and metabolism and perhaps this is why they are more "voice dangerous" (but more sensible to physical harm) and men feel most atracted to them.
Young men with low IQ have been proven to have a low testosterone level (more B12). This could make them less sensible to female voice and this could demotivate them to learn because they could not be so punished. At the same time too much testosterone could cause very aggressive behavior and social problems. Both sex are the responsible to motivate the other one with the help of our own weapon and armour.
In this world of noisy cities perhaps the evolution could be selecting the less "male" men.
Perhaps is not B12 the key but finding the way to remove that noice greater sensibility could end with women beauty and open a pandora box.
¿What do you think?