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  1. yes, it is for trig, but there's a math and a research portion to it. most people have been through physics already, though.
  2. yes, i plan on using radishes. however, they slide right off. i need to find a way to keep the wheels on, like an axel or something. (I can use wood and bamboo)
  3. For my final trigonometry project I have to build a car out a vegetables. I want it to look like Cinderella's carriage. I know how I want to build the body, but with the wheels, I'm having a problem. I want to use radishes as wheels, but that can change if it has to. the radishes will not stay on the toothpicks. (I have to use all natural materials that aren't processed. Yes, I know that toothpicks technically are, but I'm only going with what my teacher has said.) Carrots will even slide off. Help?!
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