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Everything posted by Farsight2

  1. It's to do with time dilation, Martin. We know that time dilation is programmed into GPS. It's real. And we know that the more gravity there is, the more time dilation there is. Consider a supernova, a collapsing star that has formed a black hole. At the event horizon, time dilation goes infinite: The time dilation is infinite. What that means is that right now, as we speak, our collapsing star hasn’t finished collapsing yet. As far as we’re concerned, it takes forever to collapse. That means that of all the collapsed stars across the whole wide universe, none have finished collapsing yet. And they never ever will. Hence they're frozen stars. The event horizon is where time ends. And beyond it, there are no more events. There is no beyond it. The singularity everybody talks about hasn’t happened yet. It’s always in the future, over the rainbow, because in truth it exists in a never-never land beyond the end of time. People talk about the “proper time” of an object that falls through the event horizon, but there isn’t any. You just can’t fall through an event horizon, because it takes forever to do so. The proper time is an abstraction. It just isn't proper at all. There's more, I can back this up with "speculation", but I best not talk more because I've been suspended by somebody who doesn't know much about physics, and I'm waiting to find out why.
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