I am a complete novice when it comes to chemistry (or science in general .
I have a question that I'm hoping someone may be able to point me in the right direction. Please excuse the lack of knowlege when it comes to terms.
This information is for the purpose of a development of a product that a associate of mine and I wanted to look into, so please bare my requirments below.
I need to find out if anyone knows a way to take 2 or more small amounts of non-toxic ingidients(i.e. chemicals, baking soda, anything), that once mixed will give off a large amount of non toxic gasses/vapors for a period of roughly 2-5 minutes, the mixture of the chemicals however can not cause the materials to increase in size drastically(i.e. if I take a 30 ml cylender, and put in 12ml of item 1 and 12ml of item 2, the cyl can not be overflowing once mixed, however the size can decrease w/o issue) . These vapors must be 100% safe if inhaled, even if inhaled in large quantites (Prefferably these vapors/gas should not a very distinct smell or taste, minor is ok).
if anyone can point me in a direction I would very much appriciate it. Again I appologize for my lack of knowlege in this area, so if I can clarify anything in regards to this question please let me know.