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Talk about intelligent design: a new polymer-covered electrode has the potential to monitor and deliver drugs to out-of-sync brain cells. If trials in animals are successful, it could one day help people to control epilepsy. Neuroscientists implant microelectrode arrays in brains to eavesdrop on – and sometimes influence – the electrical activity of neurons. Why not chemically influence the brain alongside this electrical manipulation, thought Xinyan Tracy Cui at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and her colleagues. So the team coated microelectrodes with an electrically conductive polypyrrole film. Then they loaded pockets within the film with different drugs and neurotransmitters such as glutamate, GABA and dopamine, and attached the arrays to samples of rat brain tissue. Applying an electrical current to the polymer caused it to change shape and release its drug cargo, which then acted on surrounding cells. Cui is currently working on replicating this demonstration in living rodents
THE thought of wind power brings visions of giant turbines, high-altitude kites and graceful sailboats to mind. But the breeze has a more sinister side, full of turbulence that can wreak havoc with bridges and other structures. Now Hyung-Jo Jung and Seung-Woo Lee at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in Daejeon, South Korea, plan to harness these destructive forces to generate energy. They have built a prototype that produces energy using a specific type of unstable airflow called wake galloping. Wake galloping is a form of vigorous vibration that affects cylindrical parts of structures, such as the cables on suspension bridges, exposed to seemingly harmless airflow. When the wind passes a horizontal cylinder, eddy currents called wake vortices are created on the lee side. These induce a lifting force on a cylinder in the path of these eddies - but only if the two have the same diameter and the second cylinder is three to six diameters away from the first. The leeward cylinder's weight counteracts the lift by pulling it back down again, resulting in the cylinder repeatedly moving up and down as the wind continues to blow. It is this movement that Jung and Lee hope to harness as energy.
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MANY Jupiter-like exoplanets are much larger than they ought to be. Now one astronomer thinks he knows why. Since planets usually form at the same time as stars, astronomers can tell how old and therefore how hot and puffy the gas giants should be. But many of the recently discovered gaseous exoplanets are larger than expected. Eduardo Martin of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands believes this is because the puffy planets formed from the gas and dust ejected when two binary stars merged. This would make the planets much younger than their hosts, which would explain their unusual heat and puffiness. He presented his findings at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Boston last week. "The process is possible, but it's unlikely to explain the multitude of inflated planets that we're now discovering," says Adam Burrows of Princeton University, who was not involved in the research. Martin agrees that there are too few binary systems to account for the number of puffy planets seen. But he thinks that's because the number of binaries has been underestimated, so he is now searching for the "missing" population
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TWO of the strangest ideas in modern physics - that the cosmos constantly splits into parallel universes in which every conceivable outcome of every event happens, and the notion that our universe is part of a larger multiverse - have been unified into a single theory. This solves a bizarre but fundamental problem in cosmology and has set physics circles buzzing with excitement, as well as some bewilderment. The problem is the observability of our universe. While most of us simply take it for granted that we should be able to observe our universe, it is a different story for cosmologists. When they apply quantum mechanics - which successfully describes the behaviour of very small objects like atoms - to the entire cosmos, the equations imply that it must exist in many different states simultaneously, a phenomenon called a superposition. Yet that is clearly not what we observe. Cosmologists reconcile this seeming contradiction by assuming that the superposition eventually "collapses" to a single state. But they tend to ignore the problem of how or why such a collapse might occur, says cosmologist Raphael Bousso at the University of California, Berkeley. "We've no right to assume that it collapses. We've been lying to ourselves about this," he says In an attempt to find a more satisfying way to explain the universe's observability, Bousso, together with Leonard Susskind at Stanford University in California, turned to the work of physicists who have puzzled over the same problem but on a much smaller scale: why tiny objects such as electrons and photons exist in a superposition of states but larger objects like footballs and planets apparently do not. This problem is captured in the famous thought experiment of Schrödinger's cat. This unhappy feline is inside a sealed box containing a vial of poison that will break open when a radioactive atom decays. Being a quantum object, the atom exists in a superposition of states - so it has both decayed and not decayed at the same time. This implies that the vial must be in a superposition of states too - both broken and unbroken. And if that's the case, then the cat must be both dead and alive as well. To explain why we never seem to see cats that are both dead and alive, and yet can detect atoms in a superposition of states, physicists have in recent years replaced the idea of superpositions collapsing with the idea that quantum objects inevitably interact with their environment, allowing information about possible superpositions to leak away and become inaccessible to the observer. All that is left is the information about a single state. Physicists call this process "decoherence". If you can prevent it - by tracking all the information about all possible states - you can preserve the superposition.
mokele-mbembe dinosaur still lives ! In the jungles of central Africa countries of Congo, Cameroon, and Gabon are reports of animal an animal with a long neck, a long tail, and rounded shape tracks with three claws. The closest known animal that has these characteristics is a sauropod dinosaur. checkout this awsome footage, is it possible that dinosaurs still exist, i would say looking at this video below its very possible http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&xhr=t&q=Mokele-mbembe&cp=13&pf=p&sclient=psy&site=&source=hp&aq=0&aqi=&aql=&oq=Mokele-mbembe&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=d1ff9bfe68f4326&biw=1659&bih=905
The main question is why would you want it to go back in ? If it came back at the same speed the projectile went out i think you would have a serious problem my friend
could you explain why you think it dosent violate realitivity please
take a look see at this article http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/1999/02.18/light.html
it really depends what type of evolution you are talking about ok fair enuff you can explain micro evolution, variation over time What about macro evolution that says we all come from one common ancestor
My name is ryan im from south england and im 20 years old i currently run a creation vs evolution debate forum i love to hear people opinons about this ver important subject i learn soo much from it everyday Happy posting people
Radiometric Dating - Assumptions have critical impact ?
crazynutsx replied to markearthling's topic in Earth Science
scientists pick and choose radiometric dates depending on what they want to fit with the geologic colum There theory drives their research when it should be research that drives their theory -
take a science course people i highly recomend it