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Everything posted by granpa

  1. granpa


    if space is 'simply' the absence of anything then why do you suppose that there are only 3 dimensions? why not 1000 dimensions? why not 10^1000 dimensions? why do you suppose that c^2 = a^2 + b^2? why not c^3 = a^3 + b^3? why not c^1000000 = a^1000000 + b^1000000? why not simply c = a + b? space is clearly not nothing. for one thing it has a very complex metric. for another, its full of virtual particles. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirac_sea The Dirac sea is a theoretical model of the vacuum as an infinite sea of particles with negative energy. It was first postulated by the British physicist Paul Dirac in 1930 to explain the anomalous negative-energy quantum states predicted by the Dirac equation for relativistic electrons. The positron, the antimatter counterpart of the electron, was originally conceived of as a hole in the Dirac sea, well before its experimental discovery in 1932
  2. granpa


    yes it takes energy to create space
  3. http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?p=3787339#post3787339
  4. the acceleration at the event horizon depends on the mass of the black hole.
  5. it is always measured 'locally' at c
  6. you dont need a fluid medium in space. Space itself is the medium even if living organisms formed in space they would not survive on earth. I am only postulating that organic molecules formed (by self reproducing molecules) in space and were deposited by comets in great amounts on the early earth.
  7. I'm thinking that the initial discotic stacks of PAH's werent held together by chemical bonds but rather by much weaker forces. cold temperatures would help that
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_time_dilation The speed of light in a locale is always equal to c according to the observer who is there. The stationary observer's perspective corresponds to the local proper time. Every infinitesimal region of space time may have its own proper time that corresponds to the gravitational time dilation there, where electromagnetic radiation and matter may be equally affected, since they are made of the same essence (as shown in many tests involving the famous equation E=mc2). Such regions are significant whether or not they are occupied by an observer. A time delay is measured for signals that bend near the Sun, headed towards Venus, and bounce back to Earth along a more or less similar path. There is no violation of the speed of light in this sense, as long as an observer is forced to observe only the photons which intercept the observing faculties and not the ones that go passing by in the depths of more (or even less) gravitational time dilation. If a distant observer is able to track the light in a remote, distant locale which intercepts a time dilated observer nearer to a more massive body, he sees that both the distant light and that distant time dilated observer have a slower proper time clock than other light which is coming nearby him, which intercepts him, at c, like all other light he really can observe. When the other, distant light intercepts the distant observer, it will come at c from the distant observer's perspective
  9. the most likely place for life to start is in a giant molecular cloud. GMC's are so large that even if life is very unlikely to form it is bound to happen eventually. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PAH_world_hypothesis Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are the most common and abundant of the known polyatomic molecules in the visible Universe, and are considered a likely constituent of the primordial sea.[4] PAHs, along with fullerenes (or "buckyballs"), have been recently detected in nebulae.[5] (Fullerenes are also implicated in the origin of life; according to astronomer Letizia Stanghellini, "It’s possible that buckyballs from outer space provided seeds for life on Earth.”[6]) PAH's are not normally very soluble in sea water, but when subject to ionizing radiation such as solar UV light, the outer hydrogen atoms can be stripped off and replaced with a hydroxyl group, rendering the PAHs far more soluble in water. These modified PAHs are amphiphilic, which means that they have parts that are both hydrophilic and hydrophobic. When in solution, they assemble in discotic mesogenic stacks which, like lipids, tend to organize with their hydrophobic parts protected
  10. the speed of light is constant as measured by a local observer however due to gravitational time dilation it is possible for the speed of light as measured by a distant observer outside the gravity well to be less than c
  11. acne ≠ pimples besides that palmolive soap may not be a very good moisterizer. oil probably works best.
  12. the cause of pimples is lack of exfoliation. wash and scrub the skin with hot water and use a good moisturizer. oil is a natural moisturizer. washing the oil away dries the skin and makes pimples worse.
  13. so is relativistic mass
  14. it is only longitudinal mass that increases. transverse mass is not affected. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transverse_mass http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_in_special_relativity#Transverse_and_longitudinal_mass KE ∝ m(gamma - 1)
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_redshift In astrophysics, gravitational redshift or Einstein shift is the process by which electromagnetic radiation originating from a source that is in gravitational field is reduced in frequency, or redshifted, when observed in a region of a weaker gravitational field. This is as a direct result of Gravitational time dilation
  16. light from a gravity well will appear to be redshifted due to gravitational time dilation.
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_tide
  18. if the bucket were a giant molecular cloud then there might be
  19. what pigments do green plants use to protect themselves from ultraviolet light?
  20. time dilation doesnt apply to light. only to things that move slower than the speed of light.
  21. math is 1-dimensional math boils down to the next function next(1) = 2 next(2) = 3 geometry is multi-dimensional math. geometry has an extra added axiom defining the length of the hypotenuse in euclidian geometry the length of the hypotenuse is defined as c^2 = a^2 + b^2 in other geometries it can be defined differently. the space we live in is euclidean. but mathematically speaking there is nothing special about it. its just one of many possible geometries. pi would have different values in different spaces. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lp_space
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_units my favorite is stoney units http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Stoney_units&oldid=364213115
  23. the speed of light is [math] \frac{1}{\sqrt{{\mu_0}{\epsilon_0}}} [/math] [math] \mu_0 [/math] and [math] \epsilon_0 [/math] represent the 'springiness' of space. the wavelength of light needs to be about the size of a cell or eyes wont work. the freqency of light is determined by teh frequency of the atoms which is determined by h (plancks constant) wavelength of light = speed of light / frequency of light so if the speed of light were different then the wavelenth of light would be the wrong size of our eyes.
  24. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctica#Neogene_Period_.2823.E2.80.930.05_mya.29
  25. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphidromic_point An amphidromic point is a point within a tidal system where the tidal range is almost zero. The tidal range (the height difference between high tide and low tide) is zero at the amphidromic point and increases with distance from this point.[1] [2][3] These points are called nodes.[4] The M2 tidal constituent, the amplitude indicated by color. The white lines are cotidal lines spaced at phase intervals of 30° (a bit over 1 hr).[5] The amphidromic points are the dark blue areas where the lines come together. Amphidromic points occur because of the Coriolis effect and interference within oceanic basins, seas and bays creating a wave pattern — called an amphidromic system — which rotates around the amphidromic point.[6][7] At the amphidromic point, there is no vertical movement from tidal action.[8] There can be tidal currents as the water levels on either side of the amphidromic point are not the same. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelvin_wave A Kelvin wave is a wave in the ocean or atmosphere that balances the Earth's Coriolis force against a topographic boundary such as a coastline, or a waveguide such as the equator. A feature of a Kelvin wave is that it is non-dispersive, i.e., the phase speed of the wave crests is equal to the group speed of the wave energy for all frequencies. This means that it retains its shape in the alongshore direction over time.
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