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Everything posted by granpa

  1. the Schwarzschild radius is 2Gm/c² = m * 1.48 × 10^−27 meters/kg 18 billion solar masses = 3.580056 × 10^40 kilograms 3.580056 × 10^40 kg * 1.48 × 10^−27 meters/kg = 5.29848288 * 10^13 meters = 354.181398 Astronomical Units= 2.04558293 light days considerably bigger than the orbit of mercury you are also considerably underestimating the energy in the gravitational field of 18 billion solar masses
  2. I dont really understand what the posters above are saying but as I see it: there is no doubt that, given an infinite world and an infinite number of generations, anything is possible. bacteria exist in incredible numbers and can reproduce every 20 minutes. But even after billions of years the most advanced organism on earth was little more than a bag of chemicals. then the cambrian explosion took place. despite existing in far fewer numbers and reproducing at a much slower rate, multicellular organisms have managed to evolve many very complex structures in only a few hundreds of millions of years. I cant help but feel that there is something that we are missing.
  3. at the beginning I've written plenty about this. if you are interested then google around you should have no trouble finding stuff
  4. yes it has existed for 'all time' but time itself has a beginning.
  5. good post interglacials are too short to register on a graph like that. it is common knowledge that during most of the earths history the poles have been not only ice free but positively balmy. therefore a 3 tier system seems more likely to me. 1. glacials 2. interglacials 3. something even warmer. while you are looking at feedback mechanisms you might also ask why the atmosphere is maintained at 1 bar. I suspect that lightening might have something to do with it. too much atmosphere leads to too much lightening which ionizes the air, which is then washed into the ocean and becomes locked up in rock. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_vapor#Water_vapor_and_dry_air_density_calculations_at_0.C2.B0C http://www.angelfire.com/nj2/weatherfacts/evaporation.html
  6. I dont have any one organism in mind. I do know that ciliates are syncytial
  7. I really dont understand what you are trying to say. wholly syncytial organisms dont divide their interiors into separate compartments. its all one cell.
  8. 1 planck time
  9. I wonder if there are any single celled syncytial protists that have parts that correspond to neurons? like c elegans but syncytial http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caenorhabditis_elegans
  10. "cell intelligence" is considered crackpottery no independent thought.
  11. bear in mind that the material falling in has too much angular momentum to fall directly in. It first goes into a small orbit around the black hole angular momentum = mvr since the mass isnt changing we get v = 1/r so if the material falls from a distance of 1000 LY to a distance of 0.001 LY (63 au) then the transverse velocity must increase by 1,000,000 the earth moves at 30 km/sec If the suns mass increased 100,000,000 fold then for the earth to stay in its present orbit its velocity would have to increase 10,000 fold which would be 300,000 km/sec which is the speed of light. if earths orbit were 100 times bigger then the speed would be 30,000 km/sec
  12. if a rocket with a payload of 1 metric tons and 100 metric ton of propellent can get to velocity v then it would take a rocket with 10,000 metric tons of propellent to get the same payload of 1 metric ton to velocity 2v the saturn v weighed 3,000 metric tons and had a payload of 45 metric tons i.e. chemical rockets wont be going very much faster any time soon.
  13. granpa


  14. i prefer to think in terms of what is called the 'arbitrarily large' and the 'negligibly small'. infinity is not the largest number. infinity^2 is much larger. 1/infinity is not the smallest number. 1/infinity^2 is much smaller. 1/0 is not infinity. Would it be positive or negative?
  15. no a straight piece of wire definitely has inductance. its just very small the effect of inductance corresponds to the effect of mass. so the mass of the electrons would in theory add a very very tiny amount to the inductance. likewise, a tiny part of the mass of the electron is due to the electrons magnetic field http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biot%E2%80%93Savart_law#Point_charge_at_constant_velocity
  16. there are also lipids that form one dimensional chains http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PAH_world_hypothesis
  17. light is made of electric and magnetic fields fields have an energy desity which is proportional to the square of the field intensity
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_energy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_density#Energy_density_of_electric_and_magnetic_fields http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravitational_potential
  19. http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20spell%20checker http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_theorem#Inside_a_shell
  20. no and I really dont care enough about the subject to go looking it up. A quick search seems to indicate that subject is still being debated. All I know for certain is that some cells do have the machinery necessary to fold the telemeres back and re-lengthen them to their original length so I dont see anything about the idea that should be surprising to anyone. I'm going to unsubscribe to this thread so dont bother writing me a long flaming response. I wont read it.
  21. the telomeres get shorter each time a regular cell divides. AFAIK, the telomeres of stem cells never get shorter.
  22. granpa


  23. holes and electrons recombine in the forward biased emitter-base junction. holes and electrons are created in the reverse biased base-collector junction. you might want to look at phototransistors
  24. yes. its 'sea of Suph'. the important thing here is that it looked as though they were 'wandering in confusion' and were trapped when in fact it had all been planned out perfectly. Moses gave a stern speach afterward to the effect that they should always trust him. I have no idea what the 'wind' was that drove back the waters. The word for 'wind' is also the word for 'spirit'. just before describing this 'wind' it says that the angel of the lord went and stood between the camp and the Egyptians. there was also a sea of Suph at the south end of the Dead sea which they also crossed over when they began their conquest of the Amorites. Just before this it says that the people were 'much discouraged' because of the way. It appears that they only took this course after all other efforts in all other directions had failed.
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