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Everything posted by granpa

  1. http://religion.wikia.com/wiki/Gospel_harmony_based_on_John/Overview The four gospels appear to have been constructed from 11 or 12 smaller books. At the end of each of these smaller books the gospel jumps back in time to the beginning of the next small book. What's especially interesting is that each of these smaller books ends exactly 2 months after the previous book ended.
  2. The question is what would an observer far outside the gravity well non-locally measure the speed of light to be deep inside the gravity well
  3. stars "falling"
  4. The computer will become aware when the computer knows WHAT it is doing instead of just HOW to do things. Logic programming is the key
  5. Thank you everyone. With your help my understanding of Relativity has increased tremendously in the last few days. I created this: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Relativistic_Energy_and_Momentum.png Maybe others will find it useful
  6. The point I was making is that being in a gravity well (and therefore experiencing gravitational time dilation) is not relative. It is absolute. You either are or you are not
  7. I didn't say anything about a closed box
  8. An observer knows whether he's deep within a gravity well or not.
  9. Gravitational time dilation is entirely orthodox. That has nothing to do with your theory So you believe antimatter falls downward?
  10. I think you skipped over part of my response.
  11. Yes they're time dilated relative to an observer which is far from the black hole and outside the gravity well and outside of the gravitational time dilation. What else would it mean? I have no idea what you are not getting here. Are you just messing with me?
  12. It means he is deep within the gravity well where gravitational time dilation is significant
  13. Yes exactly. That's why the light will appear to be moving at light speed to the local Observer. Because the local Observer is exactly as time dilated as the light due to gravitational time dilation. To an observer far away both the light and the Local observer will appear to be time dilated due to gravitational gravitational time dilation
  14. Light travels at the speed of light as measured locally by an observer who is also time dilated. As measured by an observer far from the black hole both the light and the local Observer would be time dilated and would appear to be moving very slowly
  15. Light travels at the same speed near a black hole even though clocks at that location are time dilated??!! Lol. I thought you were an expert. I guess I was wrong!
  16. light does slow down near a large mass due to gravitational time dilation I dont know of anyone saying it doesnt so antimatter falls downward?
  17. Consciousness is awareness of awareness. Being aware means knowing what you are doing. Computers know how to do things but don't yet know what they are doing. Logic programming will eventually change that
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P_versus_NP_problem
  19. Does the inward flow affect light? What about antimater?
  20. So the rate of change of momentum equals force but does not equal proper acceleration Seems like proper acceleration is badly named
  21. Whoops Proper velocity of final particle = (1/sqrt(1-0.999^2))^2*(0.999+0.999) = 999.5 2.55997282 degrees Cos(2.55997282 degrees) = 0.9990020 I see what it is now. At that velocity the numbers are very sensitive to very small changes of v It is a simple rounding error after all. using wolfram this time: v=0.999 gamma=22.36627204212922171066204252228498460806277844074433005975 (0.999+0.999)/(1+0.999*0.999) = 0.999999499499750000125125062499968718734375007820316406248 gamma = 999.500250125062531265632816408204102051025512756378 v=0.044665467634404097885413809579045636547285976608944867873 angle = 0.044680421611842281640634476015442417291764888749050529147 radians cos = 0.999001996008481540908207900713241305831826857382633612841 velocity of 2 particles = 0.999998001997503993012974924898460308126982494591270955936 gamma = 500.2501250625312656328164082041020510255127563781891 momentum = 500.2491255615327628879314281633118099684754850381545606983 cos * momentum = 499.7498749374687343671835917958979489744872436218109108996 2 * cos * momentum = 999.4997498749374687343671835917958979489744872436218217993 gamma = 999.500250125062531265632816408204102051025512756378 close enough and energy works too 2*(500.25 - 1) = 998.5 999.5 - 1 = 998.5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Relativistic_Energy_and_Momentum.png Well it was a long winding and bumpy road but this thought experiment is now officially a total success
  22. Evidently it does interact with the strong force if a neutrino is around
  23. Proper velocity = gamma * v
  24. I'm trying to get away from the idea of relativistic mass and instead use proper velocity since momentum equals mass times proper velocity and force equals the rate of change of momentum
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