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Mr Skeptic

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Everything posted by Mr Skeptic

  1. Yes, dissolved is what makes it homogeneous.
  2. Hm, I suspected it was from a game. The context within the game might make for a clear answer, but I have not played the game and probably you haven't either. Here's my guess (highlight to read) [hide]mistakes[/hide]
  3. Not stopped, arrested. If they only stop them then they only check if there is "reasonable suspicion".
  4. Agony yes, destruction no. Looks like gibberish to me.
  5. Nope, even homogenized milk is heterogeneous -- the fat globules are different than the aqueous part. That makes it a colloid. Also, I think the fat globules are liquid. Some of the substances you already mentioned would qualify. Correct but you can find a much easier example on the seashore.
  6. Does this riddle have some context? Where did you find it?
  7. I'll also say yay for Rand Paul. As for the "mandate", they can shove it where the sun don't shine.
  8. Heat thermal energy is the average kinetic energy of the molecules, if you are not counting that kinetic energy as part of the kinetic energy of another object (eg a bullet). That is, the molecules are moving/vibrating in random directions. Molecules, in general, have elastic collisions only, unless they are reacting. When two large objects collide inelastically, their component molecules still collide elastically (more or less), but the now move in random directions unlike if the collision were elastic (they'd move in the same direction and thus be counted as kinetic energy of the object rather than as heat thermal energy).
  9. All the info you need is your flame test and chlorine test.
  10. Should they be without a bellybutton? If you made a human without using a woman's womb to do so, would that human have a bellybutton? I would think so. I mean, the could have been created without a nose, or a bellybutton, etc., but for what purpose?
  11. Well I don't think I can teach my grandmother calculus -- she wouldn't have the interest in the first place, nor the patience. That limits the science I could teach her. I mean I could explain vague ideas, but it wouldn't be science since she wouldn't be able to make good predictions from that.
  12. I'm going with the original meaning. Everything else is a recipe for disaster, allowing the constitution to be modified by unconstitutional methods.
  13. Wow. That truly is an impressive sighting.
  14. How so? I can see the stars just fine, and the diffraction limit of my eye is horribly bad. If the spacecraft are hot, they should shine like a star on infrared. While yes, it would be the ultimate in pixelated video (a 1 pixel spacecraft) it should be followed by multiple sources and should act in a way that defies freefall. The diffraction limit is a problem when you want to distinguish things that are as bright or less bright, not more bright. The trouble is the more bright one will be the only thing visible, but for a spacecraft that would mean it would be the spacecraft. Asteroids, on the other hand, are about as cold as deep space and so would be very hard to see (distinguish from background of the same color). That's why they are hard to find.
  15. Maybe he would rather have antioxidants than carcinogens?
  16. I think the black smear would be the oil, and the white smear smoke. But then again, I really have no idea.
  17. Personally, I'd be more interested in the reverse process: turning a muon (or even better, electrons and protons) into energy without using antimatter.
  18. Personally, I'd be more interested in the reverse process: turning a muon (or even better, electrons and protons) into energy without using antimatter.
  19. Ball lightning is a small, roundish floating object usually 10-20 cm but can be 1-100 cm, glows roughly as bright as a lamp, is usually red, orange or yellow, lasts about 1 s to 1 min, and usually moves horizontally with little vertical motion. Roughly similar objects were produced in the lab, but no one is sure whether they bear any relation to "real" ball lightning. About 5% of the population claims to have seen ball lightning. Possible explanations: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_lightning#Possible_scientific_explanations
  20. I really don't think we'd be able to detect alien spacecraft due to gravitational disturbances. The spacecraft should be fairly small and mostly hollow, and by design fairly light -- not comparable to even a small asteroid. On the other hand, they'd better have a good engine, which would produce heat. I don't know if it's possible to cloak a heat signature though -- it could be, if they went out of their way to cool the parts of the ship facing Earth and put big radiators facing away, but that would be a lot of trouble.
  21. ...a reasonable attempt shall be made, when practicable, to determine the immigration status of the person, ... So if someone says "I'm a citizen of the US and I don't need to show you ID", then is harassing them further reasonable, or practicable? Seems like both answers are bad: if "no" then this law seems rather toothless, if "yes" then it impinges on the freedoms of US citizens.
  22. The article on Politico has some more quotes from the email. http://www.politico.com/blogs/glennthrush/0510/DCCC_GOPs_Spratt_attack_went_too_far.html I couldn't find the original email though, but this appears to be mostly innocent. Yes, maybe they did do it on purpose to highlight his aging-related disease. On the other hand, maybe they didn't consider that aspect but others did/would and Spratt felt he had to point out that Parkinson's doesn't cause amnesia. Perhaps he concluded that it was in fact an attack on him, or maybe he just figured since he was defending himself (from the random dumb associations) he might as well make it look like the Republicans were hitting below the belt.
  23. It's a step in that direction, however. Another step in that direction will be when they design "new" DNA (eg get a cell line to evolve or removing extra genes), and then they could synthesize this "new" DNA and insert it into a cell to make a "new" life form.
  24. I chose mine because I'm skeptical. I guess that also means I'm not very original.
  25. What if you don't know exactly where your particle is, then can you still say you know how big it is?
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