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  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. well, i don't know all that much about it but the dosage for anaphalectic shock is a 0.5ml of a 1:1000 solution, so you might want to try 1/8 or maybe 1/16 of that dosage administered through a 5% dextrose IV solution. Please confirm the information givin with trained medical personal before administering epinephrine to anyone. I take no responsibility for the information given in this post Sources: http://www.drugs.com/dosage/epinephrine.htm
  2. Water http://sportsmedicine.about.com/od/hydrationandfluid/a/Hyponatremia.htm
  3. dyhydrogen monoxide ...lol ...they use it for cleaning nuclear reactors?
  4. the government is adding fluoride to your water for mind control purposes... maybe you should invest in a good water purifier
  5. what happens if there are people visiting u what would you do about the bacteria on them?
  6. ...isn't aerogel a little...expensive and/or difficult to make?
  7. lol...i feel ur pain vincent4e in singapore chem and stuff are too well regulated
  8. i recomend tazer
  9. i'm guessing hydrogen predioxide?
  10. lol should this be in Physics?
  11. ...lol Francium
  12. i was wondering where can i get liquid oxygen and liquid nytrogen:rolleyes:
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