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Everything posted by jgerlica

  1. Hey, that was pretty impressive, seeing as that was a one dollar, blunt tipped, youth arrow.
  2. Hey, that was pretty impressive, seeing as that was a one dollar, blunt tipped, youth arrow.
  3. I guess I do have some respect for German engineering.......A junked out ford is no loss to the world. LMAO!!!!!!
  4. I guess I do have some respect for German engineering.......A junked out ford is no loss to the world. LMAO!!!!!!
  5. To hell with the apple, I'm going to stick an arrow through a BMW's door.
  6. I'm going to try for at least 125 psi, and seeing as I work for a company that makes paper towels.....greased paper towels will do nicely.
  7. Seeing as I'm not the hillbilly from my original post, I'll be "borrowing" them ftom a friend. I'll be sure to update with the results tomorrow.
  8. Well, it just so happens that white tail deer archery season is now open in Wisconsin. And with this season come the old wives' tales of the inbred hillbilly emptying the shot from a 20 gauge shotgun shell and firing an arrow in its stead. Well, after pondering this story I decided that a pneumatic arrow launcher would be the way to go.
  9. Umm.... I really didn't intend to use the site as an informational tool, it is the easiest, Ie. not an international phone call, way to contact Sid. He's the "master cheese maker," and a pretty nice fellow to boot.
  10. Well, that's an interesting story, by volume, it shouldn't have been that concentrated so I decided to forego the use of neoprene gloves. Well, much to my astonishment I wound up with a sudden pigment deficiency.
  11. Almost as dumb as using picric acid as body paint eh?
  12. jgerlica

    Tesla Coil

    9 C=KxR/9x10 Where k=1.01 aka. the dielectric constant That's ten to the ninth.....
  13. Let us settle one thing here if nothing else. IQ is not a measurement of practical knowledge garnered from our wonderful educational system, it is a way of quantifying an individual's ability to assimilate the information presented them. Which brings me back to the point of child genius, if intelligence were based upon education, this would not be possible. It is highly unlikely that a five year old will score a 36 on the ACT, but that is a test of knowledge not intelligence, moreover it is quite possible that the same child may score above 140 when presented with an IQ test. How could that be you ask? Well could it be that an individuals ABILITY TO LEARN is in no way influenced by such factors as age, wealth, geographic location, or political affiliation?
  14. Cheese info YT, just ask Sid any questions, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to help you out. I'd ask my father in law, but I don't really feel like an all day lecture on cheese making.
  15. Well, it would appear that i'm getting closer to my goal concentration.
  16. So taking that same tack; would you be willing to say George Bush is of above average intelligence? After all, he had the finest education money can buy.
  17. Yet the standard IQ tests do not measure this, that is why we have child genius, and aged simpletons.
  18. Why do we even bring education into this? A standard IQ test really only measures problem solving ability. Education has nothing to do with the ability to reason out a pattern from a random group of numbers, shapes, etc. As with any other statistics, I'll have to take this with a grain of salt. The chances of manipulation and outright bias are just too great.
  19. All you need do is ask. And for the record, I was in no way involved with the events depicted thereon.
  20. Back to the original subject, I hope to have some interesting video of some peroxide fueled stupidity to post soon.
  21. I know, we Americans can be a bit As# backwards.
  22. I believe it would be 1,502,714,931 foot-pounds. Of course that is the total energy potential of the mass, not the energy dissipated into the target wall.
  23. operational rail gun
  24. Yep, Tesla or maybe Westinghouse.
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