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Everything posted by jgerlica

  1. I am now officially a drop out. I love life... Though on the bright side, my wife now has a job with a respectable firm, so relocating doesn't seem like so terrible an option. It would be great to stay and all, but I'm not going to watch her take a job in no way related to her degree just so I can piddle around.
  2. Nice, and yes, free. I get a hell of a deal with a scrap bin.
  3. On an off note, if you ever need any caps, I have a large supply.....free as always. Mostly 2700/1000 uf 400 v dc
  4. I'm at work right now, I'm actually going to "the barn" this weekend, I'll take the old handycam and post some video on my crappy page.
  5. Don't worry, mine is designed for inefficiency. Hell, I'm even using a spherical topload instead of a toroid. Just looks better to me.
  6. Great idea Lance, but i'm trying to keep it as compact as possible.
  7. jgerlica

    Lab Pictures

    Here's a link to a virtual tour of my work area. It's located under the July 12, 2003 entry. Enjoy. Workspace of doom
  8. I know there are some coilers out there, so here goes. I am currently using brass bolts ground to a fine point, however I'm looking for something that won't erode quite so quicly. Oh yes, and that is cheap......or better yet free.
  9. Wasn't faf in charge of that?
  10. While I know all on this board already dislike me, I felt it necessary to post my concerns. Why waste public space on a matter of bruised ego, when it would be far more productive to discuss the matter directly?
  11. Oh, I beg to differ. While this may not be scientific theory here, the fact that the system is flawed remains. Let us take for example Sharia. Under Islamic law, rapists and murderers are put to death, however adultery is also punishable by death. Look at the outcry when several women were to be stoned to death in Sudan for such an offence. Would you say that such an occurence doesn't negate the validity of sharia? While there may be no recent examples in the US, can we not agree to the fact that since such statutes do exist, the system is at least in need of an overhaul?
  12. Inhumane maybe, but not torture. Read The Gulag Archipellago , and that my friend is torture. I am in no way condoning the MP's actions. In fact I detest MP to no end. However I do feel that this situation has been blown out of proportion.
  13. I came across am man sitting on the side of a bridge one day looking quite dejected. A bit concerned, I decided to ask what was wrong. He looked me in the eye and said, "You see this bridge? I built this bridge with my own two hands, yet they don't call me Bob the bridge builder." He then proceded to point at the homes in the valley below and said, "Those houses, I built those as well, and yet they don't call me Bob the house builder." He then hung his head and sighed before looking me in the eye once again and saying in a barely audible voice, "But have sex with just one goat......"
  14. Perhaps I should change my name to "Thread Killer."
  15. Here's mine, a unit of WIARNG engineers are on a worthless route recon in Iraq when they take fire. Instead of leaving the area, Capt. America, stops the convoy on a bridge. Let me say that again, in the middle of a damn bridge. Nobody was injured, however that is still the number one stupid thing I've seen.
  16. I believe a fellow named John Galt already has. (Someone has to catch this!)
  17. Try taking potassium cyanide as a dietary supplement....You'll be able to hold your breath for a looooooooong time
  18. Why do we even bother classifying sleep deprivation and muscle fatigue as torture? I didn't exactly see amnesty international coming to my aid during basic, or SEAR
  19. Ignition coil for 89 Ford ranger, 2wd, 4cyl 2.3l fi, distributor type ignition. $14.95
  20. Remember, a single contrary experiment can disprove a theory. And the number actually sentenced is irrelevant, while the fact that the statute exists is. And if you really want to look closely, examine the UCMJ. Eddie Slovik was executed by firing squad for desertion in time of war. He was a drafted concientious objector. This fact was known, yet he was placed in an infantry unit. And his desertion? He stayed in the theatre of operations and was assisting Canadian medics. Desertion, yes, but worthy of being the only man executed for the crime since the civil war? As to it being state sanctioned murder, all you need do is look at the demographics of those on death row to see the iniquity in it's application. Just for the record, I am not a bleeding heart, nor am I a member of the ACLU. I just have my opinions on what justice is and is not.
  22. OMG Really? Vinyl Acetate Crotonic Acid Neodecanate Copolymer - Hairspray fixative yhat would be fouling the igniter.
  23. Automobile ignition coil
  24. How bulky are you willing to get with this? And have you considered using butane as the fuel? They sell it in convenient little cans for recharging lighters.
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