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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave


    That's not quite true. .java files are compiled into .class files, which can then be run through the java interpreter. The .class files are effectively platform independent.
  2. This OS is beginning to sound about as useful as a solar-powered torch.
  3. Shh, I want that sugar and cream program...
  4. Dave


    Admittedly, that was a rather silly choice of wording. You get the idea though.
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/3554084.stm Is it me, or is this completely useless? Only being allowed to have 3 concurrent applications open at any one time? That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while. How many of these do you reckon they're going to sell?
  6. It basically keeps mozilla.exe running all the time, even when the browser isn't open - basically the same as what IE already does. This way, bringing up a new browser window doesn't mean loading the entire application every time. I use Mozilla, don't know whether the functionality is in Firefox.
  7. Fixes numerous bugs issued since SP1. I don't think there's much in the way of new functionality. But by the looks of things, it also creates a few as well.
  8. SP2 was basically a rush-job, and now they're going to start paying the price for it. How amusing.
  9. From my experience, Firefox is far superior in both loading times (with quick load enabled) and rendering. I suppose it depends on your system.
  10. I'd just like to remind people to not bump threads; if someone has an answer to your question, they'll respond accordingly.
  11. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/08/25/xpsp2_security_crater/ Typical.
  12. Dave


    I'm starting to become a bit dubious about this thread as a whole; it seems to be going in a constant circular debate and I'd rather it didn't continue if some conclusion isn't drawn soon. Posts like this add nothing to the quality of the thread, which is hanging on by its teeth as it is. I also don't want spam hanging around on these forums, so if people don't have anything more to add to the debate, then please don't add it as we'll just be prolonging things.
  13. Dave

    Limit and Infinity

    I think that this thread has gone about as far as it can go until we get some kind of decently laid out and progressive set of ideas. Thread's closed unless someone gives me a good reason to re-open it.
  14. Quite a few years ago now (about 10 years if my memory serves me correctly).
  15. Blatently not. The removal of support for Hubble shows the way the space program is going.
  16. Dave

    Stamps problem

  17. Same here. I wasn't really looking at it before, but I've been reading up on it and I think it'll be something that interests me. The only problem is, I haven't really done any stats and don't really have a desire to, so the entire actuary thing is out the window. However, when I leave uni, I'm just going to get a job for a short time (maybe a year or so) with someone that pays okay until I can find out what I want to do with the degree.
  18. Not according to how I saw them handle it in the Top Gear review. Corners like a dream.
  19. Dave


    Big fan of any Command & Conquer games, Starcraft, and CS from time-to-time. Although steam sucks bigtime.
  20. Plus, taking regular breaks helps a lot with those sort of injuries.
  21. I shall do, although so far I have precisely zero complaints. I just have to wait for the domain to reg.
  22. I've just gone and signed up for a reseller account (the cheapest one) myself, because I need some decent hosting, so I'll let you all know if I have any problems. However, so far, it's taken me about 5 minutes to sign up and get the invoices paid and a domain registered, so I'm fairly impressed.
  23. Now back up again.
  24. Well, it just wouldn't be proper if you didn't. Formal debates seem to be diminishing in numbers recently (I mean in general, not just on SFN).
  25. Basically, yes. But in a more civilized fashion
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