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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Unfortunately (and rather embarassingly for me), IRC seems to have died for some reason. I can't log in remotely, so it looks like it's an issue with the server hardware itself. I don't have any access to that - it's over in US somewhere in a remote data centre - but I'm sure the admins there will get things up and running again shortly(ish). Sorry for any inconvenience.
  2. However, if internet access is a bit of a problem, then it's probably not the OS for you. You really need a broadband connection to get the most out of gentoo.
  3. The original trilogy still rules over 1+2. Episode 3 should be interesting, but I'm not holding up my hopes tbh.
  4. I always said there should be a coefficient of splatterness in mechanics
  5. Freeservers looks like it sucks tbh. If you want to really do a website properly, you're going to need to pay a little bit for the right services. I believe Sayo has a reseller account with someone and says they're quite good, dunno who though.
  6. Band of choice atm is Keane, was Evanescence before that.
  7. Well, since everyone's plugging different things, I'm going to plug gentoo, because it rocks.
  8. Power it from cow poo like they did on Top Gear. Then I'll be impressed.
  9. I like the Elise, it's got a nice look to it. Apparently the handling is superb on them, and they give a hell of a lot of grunt considering they've only got the 1.8l engine in them.
  10. According to the quotes I've gotten, it goes down a fair bit. But I'm staying as a named driver for at least the next 2 years.
  11. Frames are also a pain to navigate since browsers deal differently with them. There are numerous disadvantages to using them. You can create a pretty similar effect using CSS anyway, by having a static sidebar on the left (or wherever) without having to use them. Looks nicer too.
  12. Lucky git, I have to insure under my mom's name because the premiums are too high Although that being said, this year should be better - mainly because I'll have been driving for longer.
  13. The construction that bloodhound made seems like a fairly simple way of doing it; just 2 perpendicular bisectors.
  14. Dave


    Yes, but they still have the disadvantage that they are ultimately detectable in some form. Just hiding itself from the process viewer isn't enough really.
  15. But the insurance will kill you - as will the very low mpg.
  16. When I was debating, I found it was very helpful to draw up a general sketch of my argument with a few key points that I wanted to raise. If you're not going first, then take notes! Making mincemeat out of an opponent's arguments can be extremely effective - just make sure you know what you're talking about, otherwise you'll get pummelled yourself.
  17. Dave


    The only thing I can say is that if you're going to do all this hacking stuff, then you're going to have to deal with the consequences of being caught. Obviously, this is one of them.
  18. I love my iPod more than life itself
  19. Dave

    IRC Chat

    That's fair enough; the guy just doesn't want to register
  20. /ns recover yournick yourpass That command will /kill the person currently occupying your nickname. For more info, /ns help recover and whatnot.
  21. Don't be silly. (btw, Firefox/Mozilla > *)
  22. Oh, how I wish this were true
  23. Oh, something else: If, like me, you use more than one nick, it's pretty easy to "link" those other nicks into the one you're currently registered under - assuming, of course, you've registered your existing nick like you should do and the ones you want aren't already registered. Just type /ns link nicknameofyourchoice and you should link that nick to yourself. The advantages are: 1) You can ident for any one of your nicks using the same password. 2) If you have an access list of recognisable hosts, they work on all of those nicks. 3) If you're an AOP/SOP in a channel, you don't have to change nicks to get the aop/sop. Just remember they expire after 30 days if you don't use them. Hope this helps people
  24. neons on a hurse? This I have to see. Pictures will be required once fitted
  25. Dave

    IRC Chat

    You all need to get on there, or I'm going to have to get the IRC beating stick out.
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