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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave


    We are also the only people that can use the word "quite" to good effect.
  2. Dave


    Ireland, to visit the relatives. Oh, the joy.
  3. I bought the Sony STR-DE585 amplifier/receiver off of eBay the other day for about £65 (inc P&P). It pumps out 100W/channel, which is rather nice, and has 5.1 Dolby Digital decoding. I just have to get the actual speakers, although atm I have it hooked up to some rather nice Bose speakers of my dads.
  4. I've heard a few people mention http://arxiv.org/
  5. This is completely silly.
  6. Dave


    I'm going there next week, I'll try and find out for you
  7. Dave

    Living forever

    The overpopulation would worry me slightly (if nobody died)
  8. I just used the definition of decimal notation.
  9. Blimey. What's that used for?
  10. Depends on the syllabus of your particular educational authority.
  11. Dave

    Limit and Infinity

    I need some time to read through this and deliver you my opinion, since it's all a little hazy atm. Will post again later.
  12. Absolute values were taught to me at A-level. I never learnt any modular arithmetic until my degree.
  13. If you're confused about sine/cosine, I suggest you tackle pretty basic questions before you move onto the more advanced stuff like the sine/cosine rules.
  14. Dave

    Maximizing ab

    I've found that, especially with things like GCSE maths problems. It's like trying to break a nut with a lorry as opposed to your average nutcracker
  15. I'm first year uni (going into second year in September), so I guess the equivalent class I've taken is probably Calculus II (Analysis II at Warwick). I've done quite a lot of Linear Algebra and also 3D Geometry & Motion.
  16. Next lesson won't be for a while, since I'm off to Ireland for 2 weeks on Thursday. Sorry guys
  17. sigh. I suck
  18. The IRC channel's there, I just don't know about the applet.
  19. Cheers I got the solution y=x also. I could swear that the question has a typo in it somewhere, that just seems too simple.
  20. y can't be negative x otherwise the equation wouldn't hold (log(0) not defined).
  21. Goodo. I'll let this thread be now
  22. I suggest you go and ask a supporter whether they've bombed some places recently and get your answer. Some of your comments really leave me dumbfounded. As far as the topic goes, Kerry is blatently going to win, unless Bush decides to pull a Flordia on him a la Gore.
  23. Right then. Any chance of a small summary of that post for the lazy ones amongst us?
  24. Not necessarily. For v=c, then this is certainly true, but for v>c, we get complex solutions to the equation. So it may be possible to travel faster than light for particles with imaginary mass - whatever that may mean.
  25. Quiet you!
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