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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Well, that looks pretty trivial from the face of it, but there are some technicalities. I don't know whether that's a typo, but you have the same numerator on both sides, so just cancel that out (unless x+y=1 in which case you're screwed) and then anti-log both sides.
  2. Ah, that'd be where then. Cheers.
  3. Strong, weak, electrostatic and gravitational.
  4. lol Is there a list of all the characters you can use in bubbles somewhere leik?
  5. This is rather bad news for the Copenhagen interpretation then, although the experiment and its conclusions have to be subject to peer review.
  6. I'm not sure how to respond to that, so I'll just say "TIMMEH!!!" and leave it at that.
  7. I'm not even going to attempt it, since I blatently suck at these
  8. We haven't mentioned it because stella tastes like horse manure
  9. Sorry, what do you actually want to do with that equation?
  10. What beer is your favourite beer, and which do you hate? I'm especially interested to hear YT's answer. My favourites: 1) Guinness Draught (extra cold if possible) 2) John Smith's 3) The local ale they brew down the road, the name of which escapes me 4) Spitfire 5) Worthington's 6) Tetley's 7) [insert random guest ale here] 8) Murphy's My hate list: 1) Fosters 2) Carling 3) [insert any other lager here]
  11. Fair enough, I'll admit when I'm wrong.
  12. Lucky you. I'd request that you be less patronising in future, because people will only laugh when you're wrong. Back on topic, I think your best bet is to google for the type of thing that you're interested in, there's lots of useful resources around.
  13. I like lawyer jokes
  14. Dave


    My room has so many computers and bits of electronic crap in it that it's starting to look like a branch of Dixons.
  15. Even at great distances from the Sun, there's still a rather large amount of radiation. The radiation from a nuclear blast in space would fade into the background rather rapidly.
  16. By that logic, visible light (which is EM radiation last time I checked) wouldn't be able to enter a car. Unless I'm getting horribly confused, which is possible. I'll admit I know next to nothing about Faraday cages. This conversation is more or less pointless anyway, since these things are almost certainly designed with EMP in mind, especially if they're going to be used in nuclear war.
  17. Dave


    I want your job
  18. Dave


    This is why I hate all Christianity "merchanise" stores. And yes, all Christian rock sucks. Badly.
  19. Yes indeed. Miss Dunst is a rather nice lady.
  20. Dave

    Limit and Infinity

    Okay then. So if I can't understand your theories (in theory), then why post the thread?
  21. I don't really see the problem with it. Compared to the EM output of the sun, a few nukes is rather trivial really. Just need to ensure that you don't exploding them near Earth, no problems. I personally have my doubts about the Bussard collectors, but that's probably just me being cynical.
  22. Yes, but all of those are examples of electrostatic discharges, not EM radiation. Look at it this way: you can strike a car with lightning and it'll protect the guy inside it. However, bombard it with gamma rays and he'll die. Just because it forms a Faraday cage doesn't imply that it can magically stop EM radiation.
  23. Dave

    Limit and Infinity

    No, I'm saying I just don't get what the entire 2D/3D post was about.
  24. Dave

    Limit and Infinity

    Well, I can't - it's your idea, I just can't see how it links into everything.
  25. She uses her oversized chest to grab as many celebs as possible, then sells her story to the ravaging tabloid press. Kiss and tell, basically.
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