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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave


    I'm pretty sure this isn't a Christian rock group. Although I don't really care if is, because it's like no Christian rock I've ever heard.
  2. Dave

    Limit and Infinity

    You seem to have used some kind of analogy to your idea about limits, but I don't get what you're trying to imply by using this analogy and how it links into the picture as a whole.
  3. You've only been here since June, I think the rep system was taken down some time ago.
  4. I think it may be a very good idea in the future, when we start to get a few more users that are interested in this kind of thing. But for the time being, it's just not feasible to create an entire forum that probably isn't going to be used very much. We just scaled down a lot of forums to remove the amount of subforums around here, so it's the kind of thing we're trying to avoid.
  5. Dave

    Limit and Infinity

    I don't see how that links to your posts regarding to infinity? (NB: I'm not trying to insult you by sounding patronising, I'd just like to give you a wall to bounce ideas off of)
  6. You misinterpreted (or just don't know about Jordan on t'other side of the pond). I'm not talking about basketball, I'm talking about this thing we have in the UK.
  7. Dave


    Does anyone else think their album rocks as much as I think it does? Absolutely great music. Hideously depressing in places, but that's my kind of thing I suppose
  8. One word: Jordan.
  9. Jackie Chan rocks.
  10. Dave


    Which, I daresay, is not a whole lot.
  11. Dave


    I log tapes. It's very boring, but it pays a lot of money. Oh, and I do quite a lot of work with video editing which is also boring but pays even better.
  12. There's a very good undergraduate book called the Elements of Physics, the author escapes my mind atm, but it covers more or less all of the first year undergraduate course. Warwick's Physics department uses this book for a lot of their courses. There's also a rather nice book called "Space, Time and Quanta" which is an introduction to quantum mechanics and also covers some special relativity.
  13. I don't see why it's such a moot issue amongst people, and I certainly can't see why people have such a big problem with it.
  14. Doubt it, there's lots of photographers around. He's not exactly what you'd call famous really.
  15. Have to agree, the film rocked. And how is that tramload of people going to actually know the name associated to the face of spiderman?
  16. Probably, but I don't think stats should be classified as mathematics (joking, btw)
  17. Dave

    Graph tool

    If you're using linux, gnuplot is pretty good.
  18. mug = chug plug
  19. I opened one a long time ago, but I just post stuff on my own website from time to time.
  20. Dave

    Terror Leaflet

    Gas attack leik?
  21. Dave

    Terror Leaflet

    I know what you're getting at. The entire thing is a complete farce.
  22. Yes, if you want to get stuck into quantum mechanics then you need to have a very solid grounding in physics before you even think about it. That being said, the mathematics isn't all that difficult in the introductory stages, just tedious to work through at times.
  23. Oh good. Didn't really want to have to wade through that rubbish
  24. True. But considering I'm not doing an English degree, and rather a mathematics degree, the entire maths thing is a bit more of a problem
  25. Yeah, that sounds about right. Lots of Mars stuff by ES though
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