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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Saw this last page and thought "cba reading all of this" so just posted my stuff. Nevermind
  2. Quiet you bleh, I suck
  3. Just to burst your bubble a bit, but this has already been done. According to my rather nice book entitled "The Road to the Stars": "Since February 1973, the Project Daedalus Study Group of the British Interplanetary Society has devoted rather more than 10,000 man-hours to producing a detailed specification of a possible inter-stellar mission utilizing the nuclear pulse rocket. In what is probably the most detailed investigation of its kind, the group has examined all aspects of the mission, from the selection of the target, the specification of the vehicle and its payload, to the question of navigation and communication with the probe throughout the mission." Admittedly, this project was devloped in 1973, but they had some very very good ideas that are probably still being used today. Since you haven't really discussed it yet, a nuclear pulse rocket basically consists of flinging a large nuclear bomb behind you and exploding it. The force of the explosion hits an abrasive shield, and accordly with Newton's laws, the equal and opposite force propels the spacecraft forward. So as you can see, there has been rather a lot of thought into this kind of mission.
  4. Erm, calculus involves a lot of things, but mainly derivatives of functions and integrals, leading to formulae for volumes, areas, rates of change, and a lot more besides. The concept of the limit is also pretty important in lots of areas of physics.
  5. Quite. (Exobiology didn't have that many threads surely? Posts?)
  6. Dave

    Terror Leaflet

    I for one think that Bush needs to be kicked out of that chair before he does irrevocable damage to your country, if it hasn't already been done. Sorry to change the topic a bit, but I quite frankly cannot believe how much everyone seems to be abusing the "OMG WERE GONNA GET BOMMED BY TERR0RIST LLAMAS FS!!!!!!1112" bandwagon atm, and it has to be said the Bush administration is probably the worst offenders of the lot with the entire Iraq mess.
  7. Apparently there's not a lot of ideas at the moment, they seem to rise out of relatively calm waters for no apparent reason.
  8. I'm not quite sure what that's implying, but funny nevertheless
  9. Just a tad. But then again, they always do in GD.
  10. Dunno, maybe he's a closet goalkeeper.
  11. Do you read anything without either maths or pr0n? Or perhaps mathematical pr0n? You shouldn't put your writing down J'Dona, it's probably better than mine
  12. Well, optics is a little more complex than just one topic, but I don't think there'd be sufficient interest anyway tbh.
  13. He's on lots of forums. The crazy man has 18,000 posts on the PA forums.
  14. pot=monkey funky (yes, I know this makes no sense at all)
  15. Plus I guess it's a topic of much scientific interest. However they do have a tendancy to devolve quite quickly into random bantering/insults.
  16. Read the initial post: subscripts are generated by using _ For example, A_{n^2} produces: [math]A_{n^2}[/math]
  17. Dave

    Limit and Infinity

    Your reply is not making a lot of sense in the context of my request. It is blatently obvious that you have put a lot of thought into this, and obviously you have put a lot of mathematical reasoning into this. What I am saying is: make a post that summarises all of your ideas in one concise block of text, and try and define those ideas by using strict mathematical notation, in a structure that is easier to understand. This way, I (and others) can offer a better opinion on your ideas, because at the moment they seem to be scattered around the thread quite haphazardly.
  18. So far, the only far-out alternative theory I've seen in two years has been the thread posted a couple days ago on convergence of sequences. I've found that mostly people who are interested readers steer clear of those kinds of threads, and I don't think the forum would be used that much if it were to be created. Thanks for the suggestion though, and it's good to have a new maths member around. We seem to be quite short in numbers
  19. Probably calculus is the most scientifically used area of mathematics.
  20. Indeed
  21. Wow, recognition Sorted
  22. At least this guy isn't President
  23. I've stuck with them through Enterprise, but I know a lot of people who haven't. If they want to go back even further I don't think I'll be able to watch anymore.
  24. Even in the beta, I'd expect them to have the graphics sorted.
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