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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I doubt many people are anymore
  2. Try blindfolding yourself and then solving a particularly complex analysis problem.
  3. I'm personally looking forward to Analysis III, since I did quite well on the Analysis module this time around.
  4. http://www.seti.org/seti/seti_science/Welcome.html After a google. Please quote your sources.
  5. Of course. However, I think Euler has the edge, considering the man went blind and still wrote new and inspiring mathematics. Can you imagine doing that? Without being able to see?
  6. Oh please god no. I'm fed up with that crap - I want one in the future, past Voyager. Preferably with timeships, so I can listen to them make up ridiculous scientific terms
  7. Plus you can't copy the source for vB as easily as a quick copy-paste from your browser
  8. These waves eat super-tankers for breakfast. Scary.
  9. Especially the guy that ordered Hubble effectively dead.
  10. Yes, some of that mathematics is quite involved. My favourite scientist would have to be Euler, without a doubt. So many theorems and results: [math]e^{i\pi} = -1[/math] [math]\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{\pi^2}{6}[/math] Major breakthroughs in topology, number theory, and a lot more. And to top it all, he did a lot of his best work towards the end of his life, when he was blinded by cateracts! Amazing man.
  11. XP Professional's still kiddy. They tried to make it look like OS X and now it looks like something out of the Fischer Price factory.
  12. I absolutely loved Enterprise Series 3. According to TV Tome, the first episode of season 4 airs on the 8th October.
  13. Dave

    Living forever

    Also, if you were born in zero-g, you wouldn't have this problem, but you would grow at a quite abnormal rate and you'd probably die if you were exposed to a field above 0.3g or so. That's according to a sci-fi book I read anyway.
  14. Hot topic of debate I suppose. My personal opinion is that it's wrong.
  15. It also depends completely on the context of the sentence. Through my limited reading, I've not seen the ablative used all that much, nor the dative. Genitive is used a heck of a lot though.
  16. Dave

    Living forever

    Don't astronauts suffer from bone marrow damage (or something to do with the bones) after prolongued exposure in a zero-g environment?
  17. I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.
  18. I heard a producer or somesuch being interviewed on a documentary the other day. The dialogue went something like this: Interviewer: How does your Heisenberg compensator work? Producer: Very well thank you. Thought that was rather good
  19. Dave


    I have to say that the only articles I've read about Chinese political policy have been via el reg, and that's hardly a good source for unbiased political text. However, I don't agree with their entire approach of stonewalling everyone and feeding the people with selective information that shows the Government in a good light. I'm also moving this to the Politics forum since I think it's a better home than GD.
  20. To clarify my standpoint: I personally believe that the death penalty has no place in what we laughably call a "modern world". In that post, I was just basically saying that even if I did agree with the principle of the sentence, it is impossible to implement in a justice system that cannot ever be 100% sure of a person's guilt.
  21. (we should be doing that next year, bloodhound, if I read my PYDC right)
  22. Dave

    Living forever

    Don't think you've quite thought this through
  23. Two words: "Heisenberg compensator".
  24. blike's the one on the right *ducks*
  25. They also neatly sidestep a load of scientific problems, such as relativity/time dilation and the transporters are quite amusing
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