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Everything posted by Dave

  1. imo, it's a fairly pointless debate, since we're probably never going to know.
  2. Graphics don't look all that impressive compared to UT2004, but what settings are you using?
  3. Dave

    Living forever

    Why would you want to live forever anyway? I'd settle quite happily for a slightly extended lifespan, but I certainly don't want to be immortal.
  4. Dave

    Limit and Infinity

    I never said that. I said that you need to post something along the lines of "this is my idea" and define your ideas precisely.
  5. Can't remember where I am, but definately a liberalist.
  6. How are the graphics?
  7. I have absolutely no clue, and I'd go with the "not reading" option
  8. He also found this rather impressive-looking formula for pi: [math]\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^k(4k+1)[ (2k+1)!!]^3}{[(2k)!!]^3} = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{(-1)^k (4k+1)[ \Gamma (k+\frac{1}{2})]^3}{\pi^{3/2}[\Gamma(k+1)]^3} = \frac{2}{\pi}[/math]
  9. Fair enough. I meant to say client OS (as in a major 'doze release), not server platforms like NT.
  10. Dave

    WMA --> MP3

    Well, if you've written a song and want to distribute it, then you're not going to want to hand people the midi soundtrack so they can go and steal it. You should be able to export the MIDI file as an AIFF from whatever you opened it in. From there it's pretty simple to convert the AIFF to mp3.
  11. You know, the guy in tights from Sherwood Forest?
  12. Under the context of the thread, I believe it's a valid argument. There have been numerous occasions where people have been found guilty of a crime that they did not commit. Luckily for them, these people were either not sentenced to death, or the death penaulty did not exist in that particular country. Would it be in the interest of any justice system to execute innocent civilians?
  13. Dave

    Vaccine for Aids

    Deleted your dups for you.
  14. I signed up in Nov 2002, but didn't start posting until about mid 2003 if I recall. faf scared me
  15. I don't think it's been GM'd yet.
  16. Have a look at my calculus threads in the Analysis forum.
  17. Blimey, this takes me back a bit - studied Latin for 5 years up to GCSE level so I'm a bit rusty. The dative, genative and ablative are basically different ways of saying the vowel depending on the context of the sentence. If I remember correctly: genitive - when you're referring to the object being owned by someone. dative - indirect object, can't remember really, hardly ever used it ablative - according to google: "expresses the means or tools by which one accomplishes something" Yes, there is a conditional tense, called the subjunctive which comes in present, past, and future tense. Can't remember how you formulate it now though.
  18. I would assume the answer is "probably not"; your best bet is probably to do a google.
  19. Can't believe I haven't posted here before. But Voyager anyway.
  20. He's already done it. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3913145.stm
  21. To emphasise what Glider was saying: over here, we had a case called the Birmingham Six who were arrested and imprisoned for the murder of a paper-boy (I think). 16 years down the line, 5 of them came out and 1 had died in prison, I can't remember how. And all because of a case of police corruption and making up evidence. So 6 people in the USA would have been executed, and for no reason whatsoever. The way I see it is this: you can compensate someone for putting them in prison to a certain extent, but you can't bring someone back to life.
  22. I find that with some books, it's pretty easy to skim read in a few hours. With others, it's definately not so easy. When I do speed read, not a lot tends to stick in my head apart from the major plot, but that's all I really want to know. However I always read the book again at least twice so it does get a good reading
  23. Every major function that exists in XP also exists in 2k (as far as I'm aware) apart from cosmetic differences, and things like the recognition of folders containing movies etc. This is totally my own opinion though, could be wrong.
  24. Just do a google for MPEG (or similar), that should give you a pretty detailed summary of what algorithms each standard uses.
  25. Sure seems to be a heck of a lot of new members joining up Welcome to all, hope you have fun. And spread the word about SFN
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