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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I know what you mean with 24, since the same thing happened to me. I was rather disappointed with the second and third series though, mainly because of all the hype and the trailers that went with them. The trouble is, unless they show some of these scenes, people just aren't going to watch the stuff. Games trailers are the worst ever. I hate Sky One for putting a bloody game sponsorship advert on at the beginning and end of the commercial breaks in-between Voyager (or any other Star Trek) episode.
  2. Dave


    Moved this to Applied Mathematics because it's a better home for the thread. What kind of examples are you looking for? I'm afraid I'm not quite sure what you're talking about with the rest of it.
  3. Dunno, I'll ask blike about it.
  4. You really should watch Pirates of the Carribean, just for comedy value. Great film, Depp plays the part really well.
  5. The link I posted has all the caps on downloading. I think 1gb/mo is, quite frankly, an appauling cap for a broadband connection. I could download that in a week on dialup ffs. BT should be ashamed of themselves.
  6. Yes, I do remember it. We had a bit of a collective "what the hell is this guy doing" in the mod forum as well
  7. I had a quick go but I couldn't get anything out. Then again, combinatorics really isn't my cup of tea
  8. Dave


    I think if we knew what the problem was, then we'd be able to help a bit.
  9. The part I have the problem with is trying to find a specific formula for the digits of an, if indeed there is one. I've tried analysing the function but there doesn't seem to be a specific pattern. Any guidance would be appreciated
  10. Dave

    Limit and Infinity

    You seem to be throwing ideas at us that you're not defining in a mathematical fashion (or I just don't know about them). Until you come along with a formal mathematical definition of your ideas then there's no way I'm going to make any sense of your ideas. I've read your initial posting and that doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense to me either. In short, we could be arguing about this until the cows come home because you've got a different idea about convergence than the rest of us have.
  11. That would depend entirely on the case.
  12. Oh dear. I think you may have slightly misinterpreted the use of the word "bloody".
  13. No it isn't. Plenty of sunshine but it rains. A lot.
  14. Please tell me you're joking. What if we convict someone falsely, through for instance incorrect evidence, police corruption, small (or indeed large) llamas eating their way through a piece of vital evidence, etc
  15. Just a quickie: If we can't be 100% sure that someone committed the crime that they are accused of but execute them anyway, then what happens if it turns out to be wrong? Send the family some flowers and a ham joint?
  16. Dave


    Huh? How would putting this set into mathematica help with anything in the slightest?
  17. Remember, Latin is (to all extents and purposes) a dead language. You're not likely to find many (if any) modern words.
  18. True. Online gaming's a sucker for bandwidth as well.
  19. Sayo should know, he posted what their full long winded name is. However from recollection, it was some made up stuff that doesn't exist.
  20. Have a look here. There's no set way of doing it really, you just need to look up a name and see which one fits best.
  21. Dave


  22. Dave

    Limit and Infinity

    That's the only place I've ever heard of it apart from programming. Stands for "exclusive or" - basically it's either one or the other, not both. Truth table: A | B | A xor B T T F T F T F T T F F F
  23. MPEG4 uses a rather nice technique of trying to distinguish the foreground from the background, and then (since the background shouldn't theoretically change all that much), it's simply a matter of looking at how the foreground changes. It's a lot more complex than that, but that's the basic idea.
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