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Everything posted by Dave

  1. 30gb/mo is plenty for me, as I don't download every day. However, when we get into >1 person sharing the connection, it's very harsh to impose that kind of download limit. There is the slight issue of "why would you be downloading that amount of crap anyway?"
  2. Dave

    Limit and Infinity

    I don't get what you're trying to infer here. It doesn't matter whether the value of the limit is actually an element of the sequence or not. When we have a sequence of numbers converging to a limit l, then we can define this rigorously; however, from an intuitive point of view, all this definition is saying is that if we take any point on the sequence, then there will always be an infinite number of points between that point and the limit. If you're talking about something completely different, then I apologise profusely. If you could explain an "XOR connection", then it'd be nice.
  3. And not for the first time, I'm wrong linkage I'm on the 1mb service.
  4. If you're on dialup, yes. Otherwise, I downloaded 2.2gb the other day which is plenty.
  5. The weather's lousy over here Bloody English summers.
  6. I know BT haven't; as far as I'm aware from much reading of el reg, NTL's the only one.
  7. 1. Mods (and to a certain extent the admins) oversee the operation of the function and remove spam etc from the forums whilst you're all not looking. The admins maintain the site, keeping it up to date with various bugpatches etc. 2. Somewhere around here is a link saying "recommend this site to a friend". A referral is someone who joins the site after you reference them to it. 3. No idea; I thought the applet was faulty/missing? 4. They're called custom titles and only admins/mods have them atm. They're just cosmetic really. 5. I'll obviously leave that 6. I joined a couple months after it was founded. I think it was about 2 years ago in 2002.
  8. Not as much as that from here, but a hell of a lot when I was at Warwick.
  9. Which function? sine and cosine?
  10. Dave


    Okay, firstly something you should know in regards to set theory notation: Firstly, most sets are defined using uppercase letters. Secondly, the operation A x B where A and B are sets is defined as the cartesian product of a set, notably: [math]A \times B = \{ (a,b) \: | \: a \in A, b \in B \}[/math] The proper mathematical way of defining your set is as follows: [math]S = \{ (l, m) \: | \: l, m \in \mathbb{R}, l, m \geq 2\}[/math] Unless, of course, I've made a mistake.
  11. Not really an exact answer for the proof though.
  12. Dave


    But why would you have that complement thing? That's just silly.
  13. Dave


    This makes absolutely no mathematical sense.
  14. You need a larger drill bit
  15. Am I the only person that doesn't like anime? On second thoughts, don't even bother answering that
  16. I think I must've seen that thread because I joined from looking on GD.
  17. Dave


    or, typeset in lovely latexy goodness: [math]A \;\backslash\; B = \{ x\: | \: x \in A, x\notin B \}[/math]
  18. Blah, damned American dates grumble grumble
  19. rofl
  20. Well there has to be something, otherwise we wouldn't be able to expand into it.
  21. [math]v_x = \frac{v_1 + v_2}{1+\frac{v_1 v_2}{c^2}}[/math]
  22. But like somebody else has said in another thread - what is the universe expanding into?
  23. Dave


    Ack, it's like my quantum phenomena module all over again. If you didn't understand that, just take it from us that it's true.
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