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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I think you need to quantify that statement before making assumptions off of it.
  2. Doubt that has much (if anything) to do with it. If you were to do it in a stationary gravitational field then the pendulum would swing exactly the same.
  3. Best guess is a small bug in either Firefox or one of the extensions, it'll probably get fixed in the next release.
  4. There is a seperate NIC you can use called OpenNIC. I don't know how widespread it is, but they've basically come up with a set of their own root servers because they're fed up with the red tape that comes along with the setting up of TLD's (partly, at least). Don't know how many people use it, but I use their nameservers as they will obviously resolve all of the existing domains.
  5. In a sense. What you're talking about is the integral symbol - which is hopefully what I'll be covering in my calculus threads fairly soon if I can get around to writing the next one. Imagine you have a curve, then draw equally spaced lines under the curve so that you can approximate the area under the curve by summing the areas of the trapezia that you've just drawn. Now if you decrease the height of the trapezia and take the limit of the series as the height tends to zero, that's your integral.
  6. Dave

    Ultrasonic Weapons

    Depends on the size of the speaker/poweramp you get. And a bomb with a load of shrapnel is much more effective.
  7. That's better, now I can put my proper vote in
  8. He'll just end up getting himself killed at the end of the day.
  9. And as far as the debates are concerned, I was quite upset when John Smith died and Blair took over. He was like a breath of fresh air for the Labour party and I heard some absolutely cracking debates when he was there.
  10. That's the point, you cynical person you
  11. No you don't, it's inclusive.
  12. National Pi Day. Oh dear
  13. Say what now? You can post questions anytime you like.
  14. Can't believe nobody put "fish" on there. Disgraceful.
  15. Dave

    Ultrasonic Weapons

    There was some experimentation with ultra-low frequences as a method of crowd-control; finding the resonating frequency of the stomach and hence making people very ill. If I remember correctly, the only problem was that it tended to kill people because the resonating frequency of the heart was very similar.
  16. I personally think he's a tit. And a bloody big one at that. Stupid idiot tried to bring in poll tax.
  17. Dave

    Anyone try this?

    ack, not the Allegro. My dad used to have one of those and it sucked.
  18. I posted a LaTeX tutorial in General Math, which jordan has kindly linked to.
  19. Dave

    hey dave,

    Yes; as in the Moon, Earth and Sun.
  20. Come again?
  21. Hmm. That's not really answering jordan's question though
  22. Use LaTeX code put between two [math] tags. Take a look at the thread in general maths.
  23. In case I didn't imply it, so do I.
  24. Dave

    hey dave,

    Probably not. I don't even know whether the problem was around when Newton developed his ideas - it would make sense that it'd appear after Newton's discoveries sometime. Maybe even after his death?
  25. That would be rather silly, because it's blatently not true.
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