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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Fair enough. There's obviously going to be some mistakes in my wording, and I've been misinformed about the operator. But then again I should technically have said "any real value of n". It's unlikely that anyone will really consider the operator side of it.
  2. It would appear to be that way. I hate arcsin
  3. Btw, LaTeX code for double sums: [math]\sum_{m=2}\sum_{n=2} m\times n[/math]
  4. Just use a nested sum (i.e. Sum[sum[]])
  5. They still made the effort to register the account in the first place. And I still don't see the point of it all anyway.
  6. Sum[] I think. Just google for it or look in the online help.
  7. I think that there's always a possibility that the account will be used in the future at some point. You have to also consider that quite a few of these people will probably never post things but read the forums anyway.
  8. Dave

    hey dave,

    Indeed. But he didn't solve one of the most important problems of the time Although the Leibniz notation is a heck of a lot better than Newton's.
  9. So far I've not seen a single person on here who's french or spanish, although I could be blind. I'm with blike on this one; there just aren't enough international people who don't speak reasonable english to warrant an extra forum.
  10. Are they causing any harm by being there? Not really. Then why is it necessary to remove accounts that may, in the future, be used?
  11. Who knows? Dreamer, I suspect.
  12. Dave

    hey dave,

    To add a bit of historical background, it was developed by Isaac Newton to solve the two-body problem - which shows how clever the man was really.
  13. Yeah, ours has Symantec Corporate, which I don't use because of the sucking factor.
  14. For a minute, I thought you were talking about Tony Blair. Now that would've been comedy.
  15. Dave

    hey dave,

    Just so long as you don't sell it or anything
  16. Check out the introductory calculus threads in the Analysis/Calculus forum.
  17. Dave

    hey dave,

    I haven't read the book I'm afraid. There are a heck of a lot of calculus introduction books out there though, so my advice would be to find one that suits you best.
  18. Dave

    hey dave,

    No time atm - don't know how many people are still interested in it also. I'll try and write another one this week sometime.
  19. I have to say that I don't fully grasp it myself atm.
  20. Hardly a large sample group
  21. In that case I won't bother doing it then
  22. Yeah, that's the hard part
  23. Bit of a brash generalisation.
  24. Blah, you're supposed to support British engineering, you traitor you
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