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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I was thinking the same thing. I highly suspect a flaw in the proof.
  2. Go to a math professor at some university. Just make sure your proof is correct first otherwise you're going to get laughed at.
  3. Probably because I'm not a great fan of topology/geometry. I'm not infallible you know, and I certainly don't claim to know everything about spheres. I try my best.
  4. One of the most frustrating subjects is without a doubt mathematics. You can work for years on a problem just to find out you're trying to prove the impossible. However, you just have to remember that what you're doing is probably going to benefit in the long run - if nothing, it's giving you a lot of experience. I get a whole lot of boring problems as an undergraduate that require a lot of tedious and long-winded proofs/calculations, but that doesn't mean that they're pointless. I just get through it by looking into the future and being able to work on what I want to work on.
  5. Huh? There's only one 'type' of sphere, if you can even call it that.
  6. By all accounts, it's rather complex; unless you've got a fairly solid basis in some fairly advanced techniques, it's pretty likely that you won't be able to derive it.
  7. Dave

    ROFL copters

    Can't believe someone actually paid to buy the domain for that
  8. Been looking at the problem, but I can't seem to make any inroads into it atm. Have to give it some more thought.
  9. Look here.
  10. Use LaTeX - it can typeset more or less anything mathematical.
  11. I wouldn't waste the effort guys, he's blatently not going to listen.
  12. Moving this to pseudoscience because GD doesn't really seem the best place for it and I can't think of anywhere else to put it.
  13. lol I hate IE with all my guts. Really hope it dies soon
  14. Nice layout, like the menus thing. Had to do that the other day to solve an awkward layout issue (on a calendar). Blatently maths > *
  15. Hey, sorry for not replying, my gf's around a lot atm so the computer gets shunted to second priority I tend to go on at completely stupid hours (as you say, 3am etc). Me and sleep don't get on very well these days.
  16. Blah, work's no excuse for maths
  17. Don't know whether there'd be a legal aspect to that at all; perhaps it'd be something to look into.
  18. I'm going to wait until LaTeX is fixed again before I go and write the next bit lesson, so it might be a while depending on how long it takes to get fixed
  19. Cancelled?
  20. trisect (hah)
  21. I tend to find them rather tediously over-hyped to say the least.
  22. Oh dear god.
  23. Dave

    try this

    Your brain probably just gets confused, trying to concentrate on 2 things at once.
  24. Cool, that's fair enough. I wasn't planning on writing another one until after the weekend anyway because I've got to sort out the purchase of my car - a quite enjoyable task. Although I might post a few more things on this first.
  25. Is anyone else following these threads now? Because if it's just me and jordan, there's not a whole lot of point going on with them tbh.
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