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Everything posted by Dave

  1. rofl This has to be a joke, yeah? It couldn't possibly be anything else.
  2. And the 3D images of the same rocks aren't exactly going to make me say "gee, that is compelling evidence after all!!!!" In fact, I don't even see the point of making them into a 3D image. They're just rocks.
  3. I'd hope so, but I wouldn't be surprised if I was wrong
  4. miner finer
  5. We could rename the competition forum and use that?
  6. Stephen = my mate great
  7. I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon and say happy birthday too, hope you have a good one.
  8. Dave


    Personally I'd rather not have him back on the forums.
  9. I know vague details about them; what kind of research are you interested in?
  10. Something which isn't going to happen, considering we don't like people insulting eachother on the forums.
  11. Certainly. IVT For a function [math]f : [a,b] \to \mathbb{R}[/math] which is continuous, then [math]\forall\, c \in [a,b] \, \exists \, v \in (f(a), f(b))[/math] such that [math]f© = v[/math].
  12. What possible purpose could that have?
  13. It's pretty obvious really. [math]0.\overline{0}1 = \lim_{n\to\infty} 10^{-n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} 0\cdot 10^{-i} = 0[/math]
  14. More truth than tabloid tbh.
  15. pound. I can see this going on for a while and being a blatent spamfest, but I'll see how it goes for now. Same restrictions apply as for the story we had earlier: you can't post unless 2 (or more) people have posted on the thread after your last post.
  16. For me, it'd have to be something like the intermediate value theorem, because it seems so inanely pointless, but allows you to prove very useful things.
  17. It's not that hard, we did it in analysis II Can't remember it off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure that it says something about the inverse of a continuous function being continous if a couple of requirements are met.
  18. Dave


    In the same kind of way as CompuServe
  19. Nah. Read the fine question
  20. It should be noted that excel will only go to a certain number of decimal places anyway, so there's not much point.
  21. Perhaps it's your CD-ROM drive?
  22. I've moved the thread to Psychology since it seems to be the most appropriate home; GD certainly isn't the place for it.
  23. I always find it helps to look at these things in terms of series; it makes it a lot easier to understand.
  24. Sounds like you're just not looking at the facts tbh.
  25. Mainly it's things like package distribution systems, initrd files, etc.
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