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Everything posted by Dave

  1. No, it was mainly about avatars My Calculus thread is coming up later, I have to finish off some rather important programming work first though.
  2. Two things: 1) This is only an idea at the moment - nothing has really been set up. Don't bite my head off just yet. 2) There are such things as server costs to consider here. blike currently eats the bill, and I think considering we use up so much of his bandwidth, people might want to be able to donate a bit of money a month and get something back in return, if nothing but just to help blike out.
  3. Dread to think what your math textbooks are like.
  4. Highly doubt they're going to use that, especially since you spelt Hermione wrong
  5. Hmm, maybe I should adblock to get rid of the avatar The jiggling amuses me too much.
  6. Dave


    Lots of jazz, movie soundtrack music (John Williams > *) and people like the foos, red hot chilis, etc. And classical as well. So in all, I have rather a strange assortment of things really.
  7. Paid subscription is an idea we're toying with; i.e. you pay something ridiculously cheap like $2/month or something, and then get things like custom titles, glowing usernames, etc.
  8. Some users have that avatar size as well. Must be some quirky function in vB or something.
  9. I've learnt that sitting on SFN all day hurts my brain.
  10. I'll have a check in a bit, but I could swear it's the Smith fight.
  11. I'm hopeless at this kind of stuff, always hated trying to do stuff with a compass and a straight edge. btw, nice one bloodhound (I seem to be saying that a lot recently )
  12. I'll verify it in a bit, just going to the pub for my lunch.
  13. Sure; if you want to do that, go for it. I'll be on hand to answer any questions on anything that I've learnt
  14. Okay, here we go. Imagine that my attached image is one of the ends of the tank. Now if I'm interpreting the problem correctly, the area you want to find is the chord AB. You know OC is 25cm long since the radius is 75cm long and you're going from the radius to C, which is the middle of chord AB. Now OA and OB are both radii, making triangles OCB and OCA of equal area. You know the hypoteneuse and the "height" of the triangle, you just need to find the base to find the area of the triangle. Once you've done that, it's pretty easy to find the area of the segment, subtract twice the area you've found and you'll have your answer.
  15. Having done web design for some time, I've learnt to distinguish between black and dark colours to some extent
  16. I don't see why they shouldn't be available to the masses for a fee - if we were going to implement the other special cases as well, then I daresay that would be cool as well.
  17. From the source: color:#333; background-color:#333; #000 is back. #333 is a dark grey.
  18. From a google: http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/docs/forum/square_circle/
  19. As I've said, it's all a bit of fun really. I highly doubt it'd detract from the post quality, and if we implemented the vbShop type thing - say charged $2 for a custom title - it'd get some more income for the site. On a sidetopic, anyone know how well the donations are going?
  20. Well, it's been proven to be impossible, so unless you want to waste a lot of time...
  21. Looks like a dark greyey-green to me.
  22. I think the colour of the spoiler should be a blue instead of a green personally, perhaps the same colour as the post background.
  23. Ah, I see what you mean by multiplication now.
  24. eh? Multiplying two vectors together? Or what? What's "squaring a circle"?
  25. Yeah, I liked my old avatar, but it was definately time for a change.
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