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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I had my previous avatar for the best part of a year (I think). That little fishy did me proud.
  2. methinks you didn't get the spolier worked out Use [hide]
  3. Oh dear, that's just wrong. Wash your mouth out
  4. Get a good part-time job; don't become a tea maker. This is talking from the voice of much experience of making tea. It's great fun, honest.
  5. Absolutely. Although you can't top the cookie monster tbh
  6. Dave

    Theories on Death

    There have been quite strange constructions observed in the brain that some have theorized are a 'receptical' for consciousness. I don't think we're ever likely to know what happens after death to be perfectly honest.
  7. You'll be bored after 2 weeks, guaranteed
  8. Dave

    Iraq Handover

    They announced that Saddam is going back to the Iraqi people this morning, just out of interest: see here.
  9. My own personal purposes in life: 1) Keep the family line going by having a family of my own 2) Try and better mathematics in some way 3) Have a good time along the way
  10. I'll enjoy it at my graduation methinks
  11. Ah, so that's where it's from.
  12. Yeah, it's getting quite bad. I think I'm going to go away for a bit, considering how many hours I've been sat here today, and eat some food.
  13. Just so everyone knows: the next lesson will be posted at around about 3pm tomorrow. It's all written up and ready to go.
  14. To be fair that was 24 posts in 1.5 hrs, he's been posting before that as well.
  15. This morning I was about 2,070. Whoops
  16. I dread to think how many posts I've made today. Probably half of them pretty unproductive :\ Nevermind.
  17. Maybe you're special. i.e. I have no idea (btw: you all realise in about 1.5 hrs we've knocked up 3 and a bit pages of posts of complete drivel?)
  18. I just don't see the appeal.
  19. It's absolutely great I always loved the cookie monster. Best character ever.
  20. Blah, wish I could drop a few of mine next year. What's your reason for becoming a loafer?
  21. Dave

    Theories on Death

    Doesn't mean the rest of them aren't right
  22. I'm special.
  23. From the avatars page.
  24. bloodhound's is right on the limit, not sure about Tesseracts, can't be bothered looking at it.
  25. Which reminds me... Gonna listen to the jazzed up version of Sesame Street I have
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