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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Unfortunately not. I saw it on a documentary some time ago.
  2. Dave


    Have a look at this thread
  3. I have a couple of minature cameras over here that I nicked off of an old projector. I'm gonna mess around with them a bit and see if I can get em working and then maybe I can improve your system a bit
  4. vB3's only just been released, there were similar problems when vB2 was released. At least they're only cosmetic and not major.
  5. You could go for the comedy mallet option
  6. I think I'd be interested to build one of those
  7. Yeah; we obviously don't want the quality of posts going down.
  8. I don't think the potential energy would change, it's just the average kinetic energy of the water molecules that changes.
  9. A package is (and I don't know whether this is the proper definition in terms of BSD/Linux) a file that tells the computer information about a certain program. For example, an rpm package for RedHat Linux might contain a certain program as well as the information about it, how to compile it, where it's got to be stored, etc. A port of a program is the modification of the program to make it work on a different operating system.
  10. Sounds like a good idea; I'm sure I can draw up a "syllabus" of types Maybe if it kicks off properly I can get blike to create a sub-forum for it.
  11. Nicely done; I can't see where I got the -1 from on the bottom of my fraction. I'll have a look later.
  12. Was going to do a stats module until I found out that I scored 45% on Probability A
  13. To rate "good" posts we'd need the reputation system back though; although I think Sayo's planning to work on that. I think a few bells and whistles encourage people to stick around though, and I daresay attract a few more people. Personally I'd like some fancy toys to play with
  14. So it is. I'm blind then
  15. I still think we should have some kind of reward for referrals and to help get new people to the site. Also, I want the arcade back to reclaim my chopper challenge scores
  16. You could always try de-installing it and then starting over, that's fixed some problems for me in Mozilla.
  17. I wouldn't use a Java applet for something as simple as file protection.
  18. FreeBSD (as far as I'm aware) comes pre-compiled with the major librarys (i.e. glibc, libstdc++) that you need. It's up to you to compile/install your own stuff as you need it, and as far as I know it doesn't have a package management system.
  19. euhm, what with?
  20. That's probably your browser.
  21. Dave

    Lab Pictures

    It's a conspiracy.
  22. You should look at time-lapse photography as well - condensing a few months into a matter of seconds. The best one I've ever seen is where the camera is placed on a hill and left for a year, and the effect is that as the camera rotates 360 degrees, you see the seasons changing around you.
  23. Dave


    I'm attempting to be on whenever I'm on SFN. And hopefully I'll idle a lot in there. Spread the word though, because the more people we have in there, the more interesting it'll be.
  24. rofl Harsh (I've seen Glider quite a few times, so he's still active for definate)
  25. Is there currently a list of mods or am I blind?
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