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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Well quite; there's a load of citation about a certain type of rock appearing at stonehenge, but little (if none) about what the consequences of this are.
  2. Please excuse my incredulous gentoo pushing, but portage (the package system) will only after a stage3 install have very, very little running in the background (syslog, cron, couple others). If you're paranoid about security, then this is probably ideal for you. Plus the patched gentoo-kernel rocks - there's about 50 patches adding to functionality and security.
  3. *cringes* Why not just password protect the directory with .htaccess?
  4. Fair point. Although you're a lot better than you used to be.
  5. He's just trolling - doesn't want to listen tbh. I reckon he'll be back saying Mars is gonna collide with Earth a la Adam
  6. Oops, forgot to say welcome back Welcome back
  7. Nope, and considering I've been on pretty much all day every day since then, I haven't seen him around. Must be busy blowing things up in his lab.
  8. Huh? What atoms where?
  9. Yeah, looking back at the papers, they don't seem too hard now. A-level looks pretty trivial compared to some of the stuff we're doing atm (delta-epsilon definitions still confuse the hell out of me sometimes).
  10. No problem, the trick with that is just to eliminate the h from the bottom of the limit (if the limit exists ofc).
  11. Dave

    HTML Editors

    I have to say that when I'm writing larger projects, syntax highlighting is a nice feature to be able to have. However, most of the time I'm working in a Linux shell so it's a big hard to get.
  12. I agree with you there - A-level maths is much more to do with getting the answer, whereas university maths is definately to do with how you got to that answer. (for the record, I didn't do STEP, I did AEA because my school didn't do STEP unless you had an offer from Oxbridge, which I didn't - however, similar sort of thing)
  13. Yeah, it's been good, apart from the fact I had to leave my gf down in Plymouth whilst I'm up here in Brum today :\ Good exams though so I shouldn't really complain.
  14. Dave

    HTML Editors

    Composer is okay for the most basic of pages, but anything up from that and it just dies.
  15. Yeah, the development seems to be coming on at rather a fast pace, plus the plethora of plugins/themes/etc that you can get to add to the functionality is rather nice; you don't necessarily have to stick to whatever the browser gives you a la IE, but you can pick and choose features as you want/need them.
  16. Why buy Opera when you can get Mozilla for free?
  17. It's mainly for that reason that I'll be sticking to Mozilla. What's rendering like on Opera these days?
  18. I think I heard about these forums there a looong time ago (when I actually used to play - and sucked badly )
  19. I installed Opera to see what it looked like. 15 seconds later, it was uninstalled due to its complete uglyness. However, this was quite some time ago, so I'm not exactly sure what it's like now. The banner does get annoying after a while as well.
  20. I don't think so. He's probably just trolling to see the reaction - accordingly there are lots of other forums with accounts named ExtraSense spouting the same idiotic rubbish all over the net. It's not even funny anymore
  21. Daresay the PA forums (at least by the rather large postcount you're sporting over there anyway )
  22. Even so, the STEP papers can only do so much. The major difference is the rigorous way in which things are proved (in my opinion anyway).
  23. Dave

    HTML Editors

    Personally I use Dreamweaver MX for most of my web stuff - it's not free, but it sure rocks.
  24. I've always pronounced it de brouille (if that makes any sense, I'm no good with phonetics).
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