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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Deep blue is definately a nice colour. Favourite number? I suppose it'd have to be pi because it crops up everywhere.
  2. Indeed. Although the skin may protect you from alpha emitters because the alpha particles are so weak, if ingested they'll go around happily ionizing your atoms and turning your cells into nasty things. If you absolutely must go around eating radioactive material at least have the sense to eat a gamma emitter. (note: don't eat radioactive material, it's definately not good for you.)
  3. I notice nobody's mentioned Gentoo on here. imo it's the best distro out there for those who want the best optimization/performance of their system.
  4. Personally I think they should just be something you can buy. It's not like anyone has them atm. Perhaps the ability to buy ones for other users would be a good idea?
  5. Well from a mathematical sense it's certainly true.
  6. Daresay something like Mathematica would do it.
  7. I think the article says something about it being used in quantum computing.
  8. You definately know it; FTA states that any natural number can be written as a product of primes.
  9. Yes, the proof is quite elegant and nice. It's just proving the Fundamental Theory of Arithmatic that's the hard bit; the infinite number of primes is almost a Corollary of that.
  10. Hurrah, we have a winner. I'll try and make the problem slightly more interesting next time, was kinda busy so came up with the problem in a rush.
  11. I'd assume that the light from the flashlight is emitted in a similar shape to the cone. If you held the flashlight perpendicular to your screen, and then put the circular ring underneath it at various angles, then the circular ring will intersect the "cone" of light and hence create a conic sections. After all, conic sections are just created by slicing a cone up in different angles. You're effectively doing the same thing here.
  12. Yes, the only problem would be if you were to hit someone else. With that slow an escape velocity, they'd probably be propelled into space.
  13. Dave

    books to read

    I recommend this all the time because it is one of my most favourite books (and since nobody else seems to quote any good mathematical books ). Fermat's Last Theorem by Simon Singh; essential reading. He also wrote the Code Book which outlines various cryptographical techniques throughout the ages (nice historical context as well).
  14. I really can't pick a list of films I like the best, there's quite a lot of them However, if I had to pick one that stoof out from the crowd, it'd probably be something like Die Hard for the sheer comedy value of Bruce Willis or the original Matrix film.
  15. A bit of A and D. B recently because of exams.
  16. Definition of the derivative is: [math]\lim_{h \to 0} \left(\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}\right)[/math]. So we have [math]\lim_{h\to 0} \frac{\frac{2}{x+4+h} - \frac{2}{x+4}}{h}[/math] as our limit. Notice that if we make the numerator of our fraction into a single fraction, we get the limit as being: [math]\lim_{h\to 0} \frac{2(x+4) - 2(x+4+h)}{(x+4+h)(x+4)h}[/math] Now notice that most of the numerator cancels, giving us: [math]\lim_{h\to 0} \frac{-2}{(x+4+h)(x+4)}[/math] This is a rather trivial limit, yielding the result of [math]\frac{d}{dx} \left(\frac{2}{x+4}\right) = \frac{-2}{(x+4)^2}[/math].
  17. Only thing I can really think of is that angle ACD is A+B, and then try using some sin rules to get rid of lengths, but could be completely wrong.
  18. Remember that cos(50) is a constant, rearrange the second equation in terms of either sin(x) or cos(x) and then substitute it into that equation.
  19. Why? What's so wrong about having an X server on your computer?
  20. Remember that different brands of the same item will often use the same chipset. Most distros of linux will have some form of hardware auto-detection to some extent, and I'd think that it'd be able to detect your card as long as it's not using some wierd chipset that nobody's ever heard of.
  21. I got quite a few programs just by typing "stream ripper asf" into google. You might want to have a look.
  22. Dave


  23. I have to say it's a bit over my head (I've only just finished 1st year) but it does sound interesting.
  24. Not true; there's always Solitaire and Minesweeper!!!! (and yes, XP sucks)
  25. Yup, got my trusty old DVR-106 sitting in my computer right now. Very useful.
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