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Everything posted by Dave

  1. CDs are only likely to fail if you get some cheap and nasty ones anyway.
  2. I think it's a fairly safe bet that unless you want to install 95 again that game isn't going to run without a majorly large fight.
  3. Dave


    I think so; my dad's done it a couple of times by accident with fairly small capacitors. One this size might make a big bang
  4. Not unless you've got a huge Van de Graff (sp?) generator capable of generating some rather large potentials
  5. It's a flask that is silver-lined and surrounded by vacuum to help prevent temperature change of the liquid inside the flask. Try looking at http://home.howstuffworks.com/thermos.htm
  6. Quite. I'm hoping that we can get some good aerial shots of Titan's surface, albeit the atmosphere is quite thick by all accounts.
  7. Dave


    The capacitors also have a habit of blowing up
  8. Yes, but don't necessarily assume that eBay traders are going to be 100% trustworthy. You could get a dud rocket motor, which could be quite bad when you come to ignite it.
  9. lol Although there is the advantage that because it can quite easily be cut in half, it's good to ensure that if you want to securely destroy the data, you can. Reckon you can burn them?
  10. I know my BIOS can be setup to run in Turbo mode. I have no idea where the option will be in your BIOS, sorry.
  11. I don't know your BIOS, so I can't help you. Have a look at the manual for your motherboard.
  12. There's a thread on it in the Physics section.
  13. I don't think they'd be too happy if the thing split and sent water all over the building shorting out a lot of things either.
  14. Just as a sidenote (and I'm not being rude) - if Einstein couldn't do it, doesn't this imply the problem is quite hard?
  15. I'm excited about it, but I do have my doubts as to whether the lander will be able to get to the surface and/or take any decent pictures.
  16. Dave


    I still have no idea what you're trying to say. Not that it seems to matter.
  17. Indeed - it is quite a lot of work though, when you can differentiate it in a couple seconds.
  18. Dave


    You're joking, right? Discharging a capacitor - especially a large one - too quickly leads to very bad things. A large one like that can store a hell of a lot of charge which makes it even worse.
  19. cos I can't understand it and I have a huge exam on it on tuesday
  20. Cheers everyone Unfortunately I couldn't get plastered because I had an exam on my birthday, and I had to revise for the one I have tomorrow. Did go home and get presents though, which was nice. Got the usual socks/etc, but did get a nice gig bag for my trombone. Will be going out for an all-you-can-eat chinese on wednesday though so it's all good
  21. A lot of hobby shops will probably stock them. I'd think a quick google would turn up some results as well.
  22. Yeah, I'm not entirely sure I want to backup all my stuff (and I get through a lot of DVDs) onto something that's basically paper
  23. At a guess, I'd think you'd have to use something like DirectX or OpenGL, but don't quote me on that.
  24. All of our AI systems atm are based on a system of gathering information and then using that information to influence future decisions - i.e. they can teach themselves. Since we don't even know what makes us self-aware, we're not likely to be able to create a system that can become self-aware anytime soon.
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