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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Should be in your BIOS settings somewhere.
  2. It's like a David and Goliath battle; how do you convince a whole lot of computer users to dump all of their existing hardware/software and switch to a completely different platform?
  3. Probably because it has to link it with a static library.
  4. Dave


    Not a big fan of the casio calculators, think the TI-89's UI is very nice.
  5. Yeah, it's a nice theorem; very useful for finding difficult limits when you can't see an approach.
  6. I have a Chieftec Dragon case, which has a lockable sidepanel (standard cylindrical key thing). I'd recommend it to anyone, the build quality is excellent, plus it has a door on the front to hide the cd-rom drives when they're not in use, and easy-loading cd-rom mounts (slide the drive in the hole ).
  7. Of that I'm not entirely sure. I know Apple adopted the attitude that games weren't supposed to be run on a Mac because they weren't designed for games, perhaps it was true of other programs as well. The early programming tools weren't the best though until the incarnation of OS X.
  8. It's happened to me a few times, and the memories have never come back to me. Maybe something extreme like hypnosis would work?
  9. I really can't see the point to any of these posts.
  10. I suppose my answer would be "it just is"; a postulate can't really be proved, just like the axioms of mathematics are assumed to be true.
  11. Indeed. I'm sure my back is going funny because of my chair.
  12. Vector Calculus is wrong
  13. Dave


    Just make sure there's a fairly high resistance otherwise you're going to melt the wire, especially with a capacitor that big.
  14. What's that course like? I wanted to be an aeronautical engineer before the Maths bug kicked in.
  15. Should probably note that if you go out and buy yourself an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb, the performance increase is hardly noticiable if you go and buy the 256mb unless you're running a game with a serious amount of texture rendering at a high resolution.
  16. The only qualm I have with them is the fact that they can overcharge you for things, but they're pretty good on components etc.
  17. Well, we don't know that for sure yet. It's fairly easy to make an 'intelligent' system using a neural network or something to that degree. I daresay that eventually someone will be able to design a program to pass the Turing test.
  18. Dave


    What exactly do you mean by that?
  19. In the early days, windows wouldn't allow you to run any 3rd party programs that weren't approved by Microsoft. This was very unpopular, hence they removed it. Plus, this had nothing to do at all about strangleholds for programming, and everything to do with the fact that Apple made some key mistakes in the beginning. This is why they are lagging today. Microsoft simply copied a lot of the ideas that Apple introduced, and then marketed them in a better way. If Apple had actually thought about their marketing, then we'd be having a conversation as to why Macs are better than PCs.
  20. It's not hard to develop programs; Apple releases free developer tools that can be used to design programs, and those developer tools are very good. The problem is there's less programmers (because apple has less of the market share than 'doze), so not as many things get developed.
  21. Agreed. They both use standard hardware (to a certain degree)' date=' but probably the most expensive thing is the motherboard which is probably more expensive because it has to be designed by Apple. Windows is, in my opinion, cluttered and the interface has so many bodges on it that it's turned into somewhat of a farce. the Mac OS's are much more streamlined than the windows ones; I can do things a lot quicker on a Mac than a PC.
  22. The only hope you'd have would be to boot it off of the Win 2k/XP bootdisk and copy your important files to another harddrive using the recovery console. Or, if you're feeling adverturous, boot off of something like knoppix, and use that to copy the files over. Generally the recovery console is a pile of poo.
  23. Hardly surprising tbh. I daresay someone will find a way around the hacker protection though.
  24. Dave

    Screen Savers

    I don't know about UD, but on Seti@home, you could create a group of people and the groups were ranked by the total number of points. Might want to create a group for SFN, just for kicks.
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