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Everything posted by Dave

  1. rofl Very good
  2. It's another ethical problem I suppose, but yes, the topic did veer quite a lot
  3. I tend to stray away from too much caffiene in one day, but on days like today when I had a maths exam after about 4 hrs sleep, I decided to get a coffee instead of tea. Oh, and if anyone ever happens to come to warwick uni, never ever buy coffee from viva, it's the crappest coffee ever.
  4. David Duchovny (or however you spell it) is just wrong as superman
  5. Limits are used for lots of things as bloodhound said; they actually define differentiation at a point. For example, if you have a function f(x) then the differential of the function at a point c is defined as: [math]\lim_{x\to c} \frac{f(x) - f©}{x-c}[/math] There's lots of other things you can do with them as well
  6. -3/14 is the right answer. I used L'Hopital's rule, which should give you the correct answer, I'll post a proof later.
  7. Indeed. Although tbh Apple is starting to put in some pretty good ads, and they're raking it in from the music store.
  8. I think we need a proper debating system on here to make sure that no "disorder" comes to the debates and we can track each thread seperately, making sure that nobody can post to a debate thread if it's not their turn.
  9. I've also got a copy of the latest latexrender code, so I'll post that off to you soon with some instructions blike. I've managed to fix a few of the problems we have when quoting equations; the images produced are now transparent with a very minor reduction in quality from what we have atm, although it requires a little more CPU
  10. I mean when you're running an OS on it. Must've hard hardware errors all over the place.
  11. Yes indeed, a cup of tea in the morning sets me nicely up for the day
  12. Well, formal debates usually have teams of 2 on each side so I daresay it'd be fun
  13. Can't have been very stable though.
  14. Yes, I once made the mistake of drinking 2l of tesco kick in a short period of time and ended up bouncing off the walls for about a day
  15. Because basically Microsoft advertised their product better than Apple; plus Microsoft don't have to worry about creating the hardware as well as the software. More software is for PC because more people have PCs than Macs.
  16. Precisely. And creating a database for something like that is not a good idea.
  17. Tea, definately. Mainly because it's very British
  18. Simply because there's more software on the market for PC than there is Mac, although it's encouraging to see more and more developers making software for macs these days. One day they might make up the deficit
  19. Actually, Mac released the Mac Classic back in 1985. Windows didn't come around for a couple years after that, but then Apple got stuck up themselves when they said they didn't want games developers writing games for Apple machines because they weren't good enough, or something to that extent anyway.
  20. Hmm, assembly's good if you want to get into the nitty gritty of programming, but definately not a first time language.
  21. Was thinking of writing a little math toolbar thing so that you can just click on the math symbols and the latex code would be inserted into the textbox.
  22. Storing settings that the application uses. For example, if you tick a box in the preferences of a program, then the program "remembers" this by saving it to an ini file.
  23. It's not that it isn't ideal for playing games, it's just games developers can sell more games for PC because more people use PCs than Macs.
  24. Dave


    No, a chord on a circle is line AB such that A and B lie on the circumference of the circle.
  25. (providing, of course, the programmming language can read a file on the filesystem)
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