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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Any language can use INI files if you are prepared to write a function to parse them.
  2. I believe it's .app in OS X.
  3. shocking! (hohoho) anyone else think this is now a little off topic?
  4. Not really, have a 2 hour differential equations exam at 9:30am and then a 3 hr exam on tuesday. Going for a quiet drink down the local with my mate from up the road and my gf, that's about it really.
  5. Oh dear god, that's sooo bad
  6. Indeed. I don't think he would've been in a state for the police to do anything with him otherwise
  7. Ah yes, that's done the trick. Thanks for that. Should've read the "Welcome to Outlook 2003" bit
  8. In each section [x], the programmer decides what the 'x' is, and creates variables that fit under the section. That's all there is to it.
  9. No, the choice of programs is small compared to the PC, but there's lots of shareware/freeware stuff as well.
  10. If we're thinking of the same one (I have the one bundled with MS Office 2003), the messages are displayed on the right hand side with a list of messages in the middle, and I don't really like that layout.
  11. Dave


    I believe so, although I can't remember proving it. I think a simple(ish) proof would just be to extend the line to become a radius. Then you know the tangent to the circle at that point is perpendicular and the tangent should be perpendicular to the chord since it passes through the midpoint.
  12. The layout for things in Outlook 2003 annoys me more, and I can't see any obvious way to change it (typical MS) so I stuck with Mozilla - nice simple client.
  13. What distinguishes you in your particular field?
  14. Yeah, doesn't execute any javascript stuff as far as I'm aware. Good junk mail filtering as well, and a plethora of options.
  15. I used to do that when I was about 15 (makes you feel older ) but it kinda wears off when you get to 17 and you don't really care anymore
  16. Already said it
  17. There are C/C++ compilers for Mac. Mac OS X uses a derivative of Objective-C called Cocoa, which is a very nice language. It has other advantages as well, listed above in the thread.
  18. I guess a part of explorer.exe handles autorun.ini. If you want to make your own program, making an ini file is not exactly the hardest of issues. They have set format, but you basically fill in the gaps so if you read up on the format then it's pretty easy to create one.
  19. You use a PC. Or you run windows under emulation and install vb onto it, running it in an emulated environment.
  20. I can't tell whether that was a joke or not, but if it is then it's quite funny
  21. Try Mozilla Thunderbird, it's rather good.
  22. Er, no. Because the architecture of the Mac's PowerPC processor is fundamentally different to that of the x86 processors.
  23. An INI file stores data inherant to one specific application or program. If you want to make your own INI file, then it's pretty much useless without an application to go with it.
  24. 1) BSD kernel is stable because it's undergone so much testing and it's a very stable codebase. 2) You can't install XP on a Mac natively, you have to run it under emulation which is quite slow.
  25. True; but a lot of home users don't usually have all that much software installed on them (or it's just software they've downloaded from the net). Apple is pinching quite a few people from this market recently because of nice products like the iMac with the tilting screen, and the iPod is certainly drawing a few people over as well.
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