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Everything posted by Dave

  1. It should also be noted that this stuff is such a good oxidizer they use it as the oxidizer in rocket fuel for the space shuttle (in place of something like hydrogen peroxide etc).
  2. Well, you're gonna have to use a heat sink anyway tbh Another option for hardcore overclockers is watercooling, but it's a bit of a more expensive route. But yes, even if you manage to overclock your CPU without melting it through the mb, you need to bear in mind that your OS's stability might not be as it was before (hanging a lot, crashes, random restarts, etc). And it invalidates any warantee you have on the computer, so I wouldn't try it unless you have a very old computer that you want to destroy or you like paying large bills for more computer parts
  3. Pascal is an ideal teaching language; I was tought some of it at A-level. It has quite a simple syntax which is ideal for beginners. Can't think of anyone who'd want to use it commercially though.
  4. Yeah, it's now fixed. There's a short tutorial in the General Math section.
  5. That is indeed British Humour, and I don't take it as an insult
  6. What do you mean?
  7. Dave

    Robot wars

    My Computing A-level "definition" of a robot was similar to that one above. However, that course was a load of <insert random insult here>, so I wouldn't trust that.
  8. Just because he lost control over any physical movement doesn't mean there wasn't any brain activity.
  9. Dave

    Robot wars

    Well considering an android is to all intents and purposes a robot resembling a human, it would do really.
  10. Care to be a little more specific?
  11. There's quite an interesting article on it here.
  12. Plus there's the fact that when the liquid oxygen boils and becomes gaseous, it expands to something like a couple hundred times the volume. (this is why when you're storing something like liquid hydrogen in a big tank, you have a pressure release valve so that your tank doesn't explode )
  13. Well, if I had that option, then maybe. Although I doubt someone would be dumb enough to try and test me on an ethical issue by kidnapping my pet
  14. I'm not entirely sure that technology exists yet; even so, we don't have the technology to accelerate the growth process.. I would hope that it would bother the governments enough to outlaw it. True, some people will almost certainly want clones just in case something gives in, but that doesn't necessarily mean everyone's gonna go around doing it. I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say
  15. It's tough, but I'd probably stick with my original decision.
  16. Someone had a similar problem: http://www.tek-tips.com/gviewthread.cfm/pid/779/qid/847042 The solution was to run msconfig and deselect search assistant in the "startup" tab.
  17. Dave

    Screen Savers

    Personally, the cancer one because it's helping towards and important aim - i.e. curing cancer. Seti@home (to me at least) in comparison seems a bit belated.
  18. Already doing it
  19. I think a slightly more interesting argument would be to replace the dog with a pet of your own.
  20. Dave

    Screen Savers

    When you compare the two it's pretty easy to see which one's better to use
  21. A good one to emulate is the classic double pendulum model (simply because it looks cool ). It's a great example of how a simple system can exhibit chaotic tendancies.
  22. I wouldn't recommend it. Having about 3 metric tons of water on a non-ground floor level is going to be pushing it imo.
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