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Everything posted by Dave

  1. How can you guarantee that the mysterious ethics tester doesn't just put the chicken in a blender and use it for building the next millennium dome?
  2. Well, place yourself in the position of some random terrorist who happens to have a lot of money and the police are monitoring you. The ability to have a face transplant and hence lose any kind of police monitoring would be rather handy.
  3. The only proper and secure way to do it would be through post, somewhat similar to calling people for jury duty.
  4. I don't believe there actually is a solution to it; hence it's a pretty useless thing really, but it does at least make you think about the situation.
  5. This link might be helpful: http://www.saburchill.com/physics/chapters3/0008.html As you said, it's a geometrical proof.
  6. But conversely, by killing the chicken, you are also sealing its fate and also you are loweing yourself to lower standards. It's a no win situation, unless you say "yeah, I'll kill the chicken" and then kill the person asking the question - which is probably even worse.
  7. Because things like Compton Scattering and electron diffraction occur, that can only be explained by a wave-like description.
  8. Dave

    Robot wars

    I'm not exactly sure. It looks like someone tried to mount helicopter blades on the top of it?
  9. Walk away. I wouldn't lower myself to their level by killing an animal.
  10. Yes, N ~ N(mu, sigma^2).
  11. Sorry, I've not done fourier series yet Being in the first year of my degree, I've hardly learnt anything new yet. We're still on bloody first principles of differentiation and damned Taylor Series in analysis, which is starting to get on my nerves quite considerably.
  12. I know the definition for a stack. First of all, you have to allocate yourself some memory, and the allocation must be of a fixed size; i.e. int[20], char[15] etc. You then have a pointer which points to the address at the top of the stack. Now basically the two operations you can do are to push things onto the stack, and pop things off of the stack. When you push things onto the stack, you increase the address of the pointer to point at the new object, and when you pop things off you decrease the address to the previous object. All of this means that you have a FILO data structure, which is useful for the reasons mentioned earlier in the thread. As far as I'm aware, a heap is just an area of memory that can be accessed via a hashing algorithm (i.e. some algorithm that determines the memory address of the data you're putting onto the heap). Hope this helps.
  13. It's definately a good thing; a better understanding of scientific things earlier on in life will make the rest of the education a lot easier.
  14. Come to think of it, I've spoken to Ian Stewart who's a professor at our university (Warwick). He's written a few books on various bits and pieces in Mathematics, although I don't really like the guy
  15. The modelling of predator-prey situations is usually done by a system of linear differential equations - or so I learnt in my Differential Equations B lecture. That's just about all I know on the subject.
  16. Not eat the burger. The cows will be killed anyway and made into some kind of animal produce at the end of the day anyway.
  17. Not quite sure it's that extreme
  18. It's not exactly the most complicated principle: it basically says that a periodic function can be represented by multiples of sines and cosines.
  19. To be fair, it'd be pretty obvious if someone was to 'steal' someone else's face anyway - I daresay that there would be a big difference in skin pigmentation and various other rather large and obvious signs. It does offer lots of hope for those with outstanding cases though, so I'm all for it.
  20. I have to say that the animated gifs are starting to annoy me (as is something else, but nevermind)
  21. I think I'm either talking or thinking about something different, but nevermind. Where did the accuracy figure come from, out of interest?
  22. Personally I'd recommend finding the nearest phone and calling the emergency services (plus I'd think the chances of anyone having a heart attack whilst nitrating glycerin would be fairly small)
  23. As mooeypoo said, you've come to the right place. We do listen to theories on here, and although we've had some absolute twaddle, I daresay we'd all be interested in discussing this particular subject (I have to say that I'm a creationist myself, but I'm certainly not going to get into a huge argument about it)
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