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Everything posted by Dave

  1. I doubt they're going around saying "hey, everyone who's got a pirated version of xp, come and use windows update!!", but conversely, I doubt they're gonna go and spend millions of dollars trying to stop people using it because the majority of their profits don't come from the home users, but those people who have rather large site licenses (e.g. governments, universities, etc).
  2. Not the right proportions ffs
  3. For the most part, scripts are an interpreted language; that is, an interpreter will go through your code line by line, and execute those instructions as it goes along (for example, PHP, perl, Python, etc). A compiled language (such as C/C++), the entire source file is converted to a format the machine can understand - please note that most of the time this isn't machine code, but rather an extremely fast and rather simplistic interpreted language.
  4. They're two different programming languages, it's just that C is a lot more complex than Basic from the point of view of the programmer (i.e. syntaxically). Windows is mainly built from C/C++ I believe (either that or something like assembly for the most hardware intensive bits). Basic is used mainly by people who are just coming into the world of programming because it's an easier language to start from.
  5. This made me laugh: Obviously there's more than that but it's all very silly. I thought I might buy the book just to laugh at it, but then I realised I'd actually be giving money to this guy. btw, the page is at http://www.thefinaltheory.com/ for those of you that want a good laugh.
  6. Not only extremely difficult, but impossible due to the uncertainty principle.
  7. Mostly it's just people who go around blatently advertising things.
  8. Not really. All operating systems of whatever type have some kind of kernel to deal with memory management/process handling/hardware interaction. As far as I'm aware, DOS just sits on top of this kernel. XP doesn't use dos at all, it just interacts with the kernel. (I think).
  9. That's probably the best way.
  10. Oh, I thought you were referring to 'gas' as 'petrol'. Perhaps I was mistaken
  11. The ones which are marked deleted on the threads by myself and that give a reason for deletion.
  12. No problems. There should be one on at a more sensible time next month I would think.
  13. We had a petrol blockade a few years ago - they cause absolute chaos. It just goes to show that a small group of people can make their message heard just by blocking a few petrol tankers (admittedly, it was quite a few more than a few though). And if you think your prices are high, you should come over here. The price of unleaded petrol as I was going past the garage a couple days ago was 81.9 pence/litre, which is bloody expensive.
  14. No, for the most part they were deleted by another moderator. I have deleted one or two posts of Tesseract's, however.
  15. There is one at 2am-3am on 25th May (week today) according to the radio times website. It has signing though, but that shouldn't be a problem. Just set your VCR to record it, and you're sorted.
  16. I'm guessing it's just from the equations, and looking what happens if v > c, as you say.
  17. Write a = 10^3*x1 + 10^2*x2 + 10*x3 + x4 and b similarly, expand the expression and show the coefficients are all factors of 99 is the first method that comes to mind.
  18. Yes, definitions definately suck. Especially in analysis.
  19. No, I'm doing maths but I read up on the physics stuff from time to time I'm not exactly sure what they're made up of, or even if anyone knows what they could be made of. A quick google turned up some interesting results though.
  20. Quite; I'm a firm believer that the war was started for completely unjustified reasons.
  21. Dave


    Why do people go to practice ranges in the first place?
  22. A tachyon is a theoretical particle that travels faster than the speed of light. They're looking for it but it's not been found yet.
  23. Quite; but there's nothing wrong with pointing out alternative methods for learning the things he wants to learn about.
  24. Eh? One thing I learned in GCSE Biology was about automatisms such as taking away your hand from something that's very hot without the need for your brain to decide what to do. Surely you'd want that to work?
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