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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Sure, learning how DOS works is easier, you just have to type some commands in and bingo you're done. However, it still doesn't solve the problem that you don't know what these commands are doing on a fundamental level (i.e. how they affect the hardware). It's just another abstraction layer between you and the hardware, like windows and any other OS. Assembly language is just about the closest way to interact with the hardware (barr learning machine code, which is admittedly very dull and basically the same thing).
  2. Assembly language is itself pretty easy, it's just shifting things around in registers and things like that. For someone that's interested in the way computers work, I think it's an ideal way to learn a bit more about it.
  3. Someone who's interested in how programs actually work, rather than typing some random stuff into a compiler and assuming it'll work.
  4. Don't worry, it's just me being my cynical self
  5. On the ground?
  6. Dave


    I doubt many people that buy a gun doubt that its primary (and most common) use is for killing.
  7. Again, it's just definitions and such things
  8. You mean the amount of energy transferred to the ball? If you have a big railgun, then some can throw out bits at extremely high velocities. I don't have a clue to the actual figures though.
  9. If you ignore him, it basically filters out all of his posts unless you specifically click on them to read them.
  10. If someone wants to tazer you, then you've probably deserved it tbh.
  11. A: No EU, blatently. Q: Would you switch back power to the Monarchy?
  12. But as that article said, they had different camera angles on the news presenters and such; that and the fact that every 2 minutes they had that board of people displayed. I think it's a bit hard to make it too much more obvious without killing the shock factor.
  13. Not really. If you want to understand your computer more, read up on the hardware.
  14. A: We have satellite at home (digital TV), and that rocks a lot so I'll go with that. Q: Analogue or digital radio?
  15. I think [Tycho?] is the one building the railgun
  16. Fair enough; I'm obviously not going to try and sway your opinions. If that's what you believe, then that's cool. On the other hand, I'm just saying you can't go around making huge generalizations, otherwise you will be frowned upon.
  17. A: Don't have one. (Mainly because I've never had the need to use one ). Q: What's your favourite colour? (has this been asked before?)
  18. Not overly off-topic imo. We're still hanging on in there (by not a lot though).
  19. That, again, is a stupidly large generalization. You can't just say 'everyone in <insert country here> is <insert quality here>' because a small proportion of the population decide to participate in your chosen activity.
  20. It's pretty easy to get access to arms in many, many countries around the world - on the black market for one.
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